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Connecting Mind and Body

Most people today are in their own world. They walk around, day after day with no awareness of what is happening around them, or what effect their actions have either. When we were kids, there was a solid connection between our mind and body. Of course, physically there is a connection, but there is also a spiritual connection.


When we moved; we knew why we moved and knowing what the result would be. As we grow older, that connection is lost. We walk, brush our teeth, drive, and do many things without even thinking. Do you ever stop and wonder if you locked your house on the way out, or if you fed your pet? Things we do each day become automatic, and therefore we do not have to think to carry out certain actions. Yet, when we naturally lock the door on the way out, we were thinking if we have everything for work, and forget if the door is even locked.
This is just one scenario, but there are many times this happens to us. What can be done to change this? For starters, you have to intentionally do things differently each day. Don’t wake up, eat and then take a shower; switch it up a bit. Or don’t take the same route to work, maybe do your job a little differently. Whatever you have to do, don’t let yourself zone out and forget where you are. Another thing is start a new activity or hobby that will challenge your mind and body to reconnect and work as a team. Divided, we fall. If your mind wants to do one thing, and your body is playing in space, nothing can be accomplished.
Take up pottery, or another craft. Also do a sport. If you already do a sport, try a new one. It is just like working out, which also can also be something new, if you do an exercise every day, your body will get used to that and you will no longer benefit from it. You have to increase weight, or perhaps a different exercise all together. Whatever you do, do it completely different from your normal routine. You may give up and think it is too hard, to just brush your teeth in a different direction, but soon enough you will be more alert, and feeling great. When your body and your mind have that connection, things will go the way you want them.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Mar 29, 04 | 6:55 am | Profile


Adam you are one smart guy , i think we need more people of your inteligence in the world today
Posted by: Matt Jackson on Apr 29, 04 | 9:58 am
That's funny matt, NO GO WRITE SOMETHING!

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jun 25, 04 | 3:07 pm