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MPG to test Apple's Spoken Interface

June 9th: An email was sent today to MPG's owner, Adam Jackson, stating we were chosen as a few to beta test Apple's technology. This technology will be a large part of OS X 10.4(Panther), to be demoed at this year's WWDC in San Francisco. As beta testers, we will use it in and out and let you all know how it works, and possibly provide screenshots. Please let us know if you have any requests of specific features.


Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jun 09, 04 | 2:38 pm | Profile


We are not really supposed to talk about it, I am also chosen :-)

Posted by: Roland J Young on Jun 09, 04 | 4:09 pm
and miss out on an exclusive? hah! unless apple tells me not to, I will discuss it all I want.
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jun 10, 04 | 2:01 pm