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USB Powered LED Light Sticks.

Many of us Mac users want to mod our computers slightly. Add a few LED lights maybe. Many of us with little, or no technically knowledge have been forced to shrug off the idea of adding lights to our Macs, but that's changed. ThinkGeek.com is offering a USB powered light kit. It's actually two kits each consisting of a control module connected to a three foot long USB cable. From the control module depending on which kit you get there is either dual 2'' LED bars, or a single 18'' LED bar.


I purchased the dual 2'' LED kit some weeks ago and have enjoyed it thoroughly. They're situated happyily built into my USB 2.0 hub. The key feature the kits advertise is the ability to flash the lights in accordance with the bass beat of music playing from your computer's speakers, but I found this feature to be rather pointless after I noticed that you need your music to be of a "Barry White" level of bass before the lights bounce to the beat, so I keep mine on the default setting of "ON" where the light bars stay on as long as the computer is on. The kit I purchased was not terribly bright even in medium light settings. For a time I had them taped to the underside of my iCurve™ laptop stand to give my Powerbook a glowing floating effect, and to light my bluetooth keyboard. Overall the product is very nice to toy around with. I'm sure those of us who do not have technical knowledge will enjoy it, and I suggest getting it if you have any translucent material on your computer or desk. My only beef with the kit is the massive amount of USB wire used.
You can check the USB Powered LED Light Kits here http://www.thinkgeek.com/pcmods/lighting/5e66/

Posted by: Izzy Gelman on Jul 06, 04 | 3:06 pm | Profile