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MPG's News Shortage

July 26th: Let's give you a list of the happenings here at MPG.

1. A complete website redesign is in progress. We are changing the websit and giving it one theme throughout which means similar CSS, and a standard NavBar on left and right side of the pages connecting you to the rest of the internet via RSS news technology and our XML outputs via our editing engine.

2. We're Hiring! We have filled most positions, like Reviewer, Forum Moderator, and Opinion/Editorial Writers, but we need more. During the past few weeks, school has gone back in session and a family crisis have arisen so due to these events we need the following writers.
a. UK News Editor
b. US News Editor(Computer Related)
c. US and World News Editor (Political, and World Events)
d. Graphic Designer w/ knowledge of PHPbb forum technologies. We need a new theme for the forums to match our new release.
e. Windows/ Mac OS Developer interested in writing articles for our "Developer's Journal"
f. Old School Mac user interested in writing articles for "This Old Mac", a help journal involving upgrades and mods to old Macintosh Computers (Pre-G3)
g. Female Opinion Writer. We encourage women to write for us but have not found one yet so we would love for a woman to fill any of our positions but just this position is very important.

3. The main editor, Adam Jackson, has started working another job, so now he is working 50 hours a week and the new job is at none other than Arby's. He is working up to manager and has already learned six of eight positions. Only two away before he begins the Manager Training Program. In other words, when Mac news breaks, he is usually at work (although he has tried to get Tuesday's off) since that is when Apple releases new products. When he gets home he is too tired to write for MPG. We are staying with it, and working on some new marketing campaigns, and some advertising but it is a slow process.

4. Finally, we are working on the underpinnings of MPG. Like I said, we are working on a new design but are also tweaking some of the things that makes the current MPG work. Also, working on a new AdServer, forum type, Publishing engine, and are going to laungh ad space soon. These things take time, and we just don't want to throw up a website overnight like the current incantation of MPG.

Bare with us as we work to make MPG a hell of a lot better.


Posted by: MPG Staff on Jul 26, 04 | 5:45 pm | Profile


I signed up :)
Posted by: Ryan Olsen on Jul 26, 04 | 7:48 pm
cool thanks ryan
we will processyour acct, now
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jul 26, 04 | 8:00 pm
I think I am the Female Opinion Writer--but my account is not processed yet...is it something I said?
Posted by: on Aug 05, 04 | 1:33 pm