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Apple's CEO undergoing surgery today! [UPDATED]

August 1st: A credible source or ours told us that Steve Jobs is/ has undergone pancreatic cancer surgery today. We wish him best of luck and hope him a quick and healthy recovery.

From the Email:


I have some personal news that I need to share with you, and I wanted you to hear it directly from me.

This weekend I underwent a successful surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from my pancreas. I had a very rare form of pancreatic cancer called an islet cell neuroendocrine tumor, which represents about 1 percent of the total cases of pancreatic cancer diagnosed each year, and can be cured by surgical removal if diagnosed in time (mine was). I will not require any chemotherapy or radiation treatments.

The far more common form of pancreatic cancer is called adenocarcinoma, which is currently not curable and usually carries a life expectancy of around one year after diagnosis. I mention this because when one hears "pancreatic cancer" (or Googles it), one immediately encounters this far more common and deadly form, which, thank god, is not what I had.

I will be recuperating during the month of August, and expect to return to work in September. While I'm out, I've asked Tim Cook to be responsible for Apple's day to day operations, so we shouldn't miss a beat. I'm sure I'll be calling some of you way too much in August, and I look forward to seeing you in September.


PS: I'm sending this from my hospital bed using my 17-inch PowerBook and an Airport Express."

Also, we are not a rumor site and don't post rumors of this nature. This is an exclusive.


Posted by: Adam Jackson on Aug 01, 04 | 5:24 pm | Profile


The only thing I find interesting about this is that Jobs believes in god. Usually, sociopaths like him only believe in themselves. Hope he gets will soon.
Posted by: Major Depression on Aug 02, 04 | 10:47 am
yea i agree, kind of odd. he is a vegetarian too i belive or a vegan. kinda cool i think.
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Aug 02, 04 | 1:44 pm
I was once informed that I had a cancer-causing disease. Although I had a biopsy, and underwent a form of treatment called "cryotherapy" , which successfully freezes the abnormal cell growth and kills them, all I remember was the word "CANCER". So I know how Mr. Jobs must have felt when he heard the "C" word--"I'm gonna die". Well, I guess we were both lucky, because the same god must have been looking out for us. Get well soon, Steve--the hard part is over.
Posted by: on Aug 05, 04 | 1:01 pm