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Still Alive !!!!!

Well its official me and Adam are both alive and the hurricane officialy sucked, i mean it was windy for about 4 hours here in St. Augustine , it totaly missed us , there is like leaves and dirt on the ground, thats about it. It didnt even bring in any water or anything. Its kind of funny cause everyone in town bought like 3 weeks worths of groceries and flashlites and like baricaded their houses for nothing. Well I just wanted to let you guys know that me and Adam both survived and im pretty sure Adam will be posting something soon.


Posted by: Matt Jackson on Aug 14, 04 | 10:43 am | Profile


You might want to check ur grammer and spelling before u submit stuff!
Posted by: setsunekatsuke on Aug 14, 04 | 1:27 pm
yea well how did you know I was alive, you were not even at class today to verify that, nor did we speak, so booyah!!

and please use a spell check like with appleworks before you post. thanks i will edit it for spelling this time.
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Aug 14, 04 | 1:55 pm