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Spymac: In The News

August 24th: Spymac, home of free and paid services for Windows and Mac users and home to the largest community on the internet has issued a press release this week with big news. One, the company will be sharing a booth with Apacabar, France's largest Apple distributor and selling their Spymac gear. Spymac will be running demos of their internet services, including Wheel. They will be at booth A83. Paris Expo is August 31st - September 4th. The second bit of news is Spymac's Wheel software will be released with a French localized version so more users can enjoy its power and ease of use. We at MPG hope this is the beginning of localized versions in other languages from all over the world including Klingon and Pig Latin. Hey we can dream, right? For more info visit http://spymac.com


Posted by: Adam Jackson on Aug 24, 04 | 3:17 pm | Profile