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MPG Owner Celebrates Birthday (UPDATED)

August 24th: Although two days away, we will go ahead and announce his birthday and wish him a happy one. We won't disclose his age, although for those who know, you are welcome to post it in comments. He will be celebrating this weekend but will not have a party. You are welcome to send emails via or post wishes in our comments area of this entry. We wish him a safe birthday and let's look forward to this same post on August 26th of next year.

For Updated Text click "Full Story"


Adam has added some excerpts from emails and notes sent to him via the internet...

"Just saw your sig and remembered. Happy birthday! Hope your having fun."

"careful, you don't want to piss anyone off for spamming too much on your birthday ;)"

"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Adaaaaaam,
Happy birthday to you!!
Have a great day! :)"

"Hey Just a quick note to wish you a happy 18th birthday!! Hopefully, you'll have some time to get out and actually enjoy it! Now you can *legally* visit those strip joints and sex shops! ;^) Anyway, have fun dude!"

"Send me a picture in your birthday suit...that will make my day...seriously!"

"anyway wish u all the best with everything u undertake,
have loads of fun for me."

"::in my most seductive madonna voice::

"Happy Biiirrrthdayy... to... you. Happy Biiirrrthdayy... to.. you. HAPPY BIIIRRRTHHHDDAAYYY... Adam.. Jack....son.. "

"Dude... just think, now you get to vote, as long as you vote for tom hanks. He's a way better actor than bush or kerry, plus people like him. Yup, life's a breeze when you got hanks for president."

"you scheming little..oh....this thing is on?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY- remember mine! "

"Weeha! Wahoo! It is your birthday, so have a good one! :D "

"Now get out of the house and become a Adult! "


"So...do ya feel like an adult now? ;^)
Hope you're having a great day. "

"Now that you're legal... damn.. it's wrong you're still too young.
hope you have a great birthday

That pretty much sums it up. Thanks for all of the kind comments.

Posted by: MPG Staff on Aug 26, 04 | 3:58 pm | Profile


Congrats :)
Posted by: Ryan Olsen on Aug 24, 04 | 5:44 pm
Happy Birthday! I think you should throw a big party! Oh well. Make it a good one.
Posted by: Mike Livsey on Aug 24, 04 | 7:53 pm
happy bday
Posted by: on Aug 24, 04 | 9:57 pm
Now you can vote, enlist in the military, and go to jail! Have a wonderful and safe birthday, sweetie...
Posted by: on Aug 25, 04 | 1:25 am
YEAH Adam you are finally legal
Let me know when you are celebrating and happy 18t B-day

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Aug 25, 04 | 10:45 am
Even though its several hours later their in Florida I bet you aren't awake yet after all the partying. But let us know how things went!
Posted by: Mike Livsey on Aug 27, 04 | 9:44 am
no partying I just went to bed. I may go out next weekend i am workign this weekend. I did all of the 18 year odl stuff before and a lot of it, so no need to do it now or at least a lot. trust me partying is out of my system but my personal things should stay out of this entry, so I will keep it short PM me mike if you want a link to my blog.
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Aug 27, 04 | 4:07 pm