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MPG At Photoshop World

September first: MPG will be attending Photoshop world on September the third and using our media badges to get some exclusive interviews from exhibitors such as Adobe, Quark, Apple, Scott Kelby Books, Wacom, and many other corporations and graphic technology companies. We will also snap pictures and give you the scoop on one of the largest Mac oriented shows of the year. Although Photoshop world is Mac and PC, it is a Mac dominated show and if it is any sign the exhibit hall is sold out for the expo. We will be going the last day in hopes for some smaller crowds since the show is in Orlando Florida as opposed to Miami. Orlando is only three hours drive from our home quarters.

Side-note: Hurricane Frances, a category 4 hurricane (as of this writing) with winds up to 145 miles per hour and a 300 mile radius (covering the entire state of Florida, if making land fall, will hit the tip of Florida’s south border on Friday morning and be at the northern most points of my state by Saturday. This means that the last day of Photoshop world may be cancelled. Of course we hope for the best because I can only get Friday off to cover the show floor. Please keep your fingers crossed in hopes that we can get the coverage we need to satisfy our readers.


Posted by: Adam Jackson on Sep 03, 04 | 8:51 am | Profile