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We Survived Big Frances (Matt's Reflections)

Well, you guys looks like me and Adam got off the hook pretty easy again, there was no major damage here in St.Augustine at all, the storm lasted for about 2 days ,

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Monday morning and its pretty much over. We got some nice winds of maybe up to 60 miles an hour and a good 8 inches in rainfall but nothing major. There was a bit of small debri and a few fallen branches on the roads and in my yard and we lost cable but thats about it. That brings me ot my next point, alot of people evacuated for nothing, i have like 10 friends scatered all over Georgia and Alabama and all for nothing. But its amazing how in times of crisis like a hurricane every one comes together and acts like one big family its really amazing..........

Well anyway me and Adam both survive this one but it seems that there is 2 more out there heading for us, so thank you for your comments and support, we really appriciate it, Adam took alot of pictures of the aftermath of Frances and he will be posting soon. >..<

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Sep 06, 04 | 3:13 pm | Profile