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MyPersonalGetaway Ads: Now Open

September 8th: MPG has been hard at work on their Ad-system for weeks now and until we get our next release ready, we have brought you MPG 2.0's first pre-release feature. The new ad system's launch is with perfect timing too. We charge per click and per view. Rates are as low as five follars per one thousand views and 20 dollars per five hundred clicks. We are pricing these ads competitively in hopes to get personal and professional individuals to buy space to further develop MPG. The owner has been paying for MPG out of pocket for the past nine months and developement costs of the next version are getting high. We hope this addition will speed up our attempts to further your experience on our website. You can find out more info by emailing We accept paypal, check or money order.


Posted by: Adam Jackson on Sep 08, 04 | 5:47 pm | Profile