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Well, yesterday I offically switched to Macs. I have been busy lately, though my new 14" iBook is so cool. I dont know how I survived with out it! The airport card is screaming fast, iChat, Safari, and Mail are so cool. Still trying to figure out GarageBand. I was also finally able to use the Wheel from Spymac. All of software that it came with is pretty sweet. AppleWorks is ok, though I am thinking of switching to Office for my documents. Its amazing at how much battery life you get. I mean with my old HP laptop, I could only get an hour, though six, thats amazing. Overall its pretty great.

1 GHZ iBook G4
256 MB of Ram
14" Screen
Airport Express.


Posted by: Ryan Olsen on Sep 19, 04 | 10:02 am | Profile


Yeah - the only problem is that we dont care.. We come here for news - not your airhead rants on your new iBook.

Adam, I suggest you talk to ryan about this. The people who come to your site are really turned off by this immature 12 year old talking about how is iBook is "so cool"

Posted by: ttgha on Sep 21, 04 | 10:16 pm
Well, if you come for news, then I suggest going to macminute.com. I understand where your concern may be; however this site is for Mac users by Mac users. My approach to this site is not to have Mac users bickering back and forth but an open forum to discuss things. If you want to write about us not wanting to see these kind of entires, then write an article a few paragraphs and give reasons why or why not this kind of article is not necessary and I will put it on the main page asking for comments. Until then, ignore these entries or embrace Ryan for finally switching.
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Sep 22, 04 | 4:31 pm
I agree with your comment about MacMinute. This site is not worried about every update that happens to everything Mac related.

I want to hear more about Ryan's switching experience. Like what programs he is using, how they differ from what he was using before.
Posted by: Mike Livsey on Sep 22, 04 | 5:29 pm
Too bad your ibook sucks compared to mine.
Good luck anyways.
Posted by: tkandme3 on Sep 23, 04 | 4:25 pm
Sucks? why?

a little slower does not mean much now adays.
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Sep 23, 04 | 5:53 pm
course it sucks the g4 wasn't really the best in laptops as the g3's.
Posted by: tkandme3 on Sep 25, 04 | 9:48 am
i think you got our conversation backward terry.

The g4 and G3 similarities are few but the altivec equipped G4 with smaller pipelines enabled it to run cirlces around the similar G3 (in terms of architecture).

If i had a choice, G4 all the way.
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Sep 25, 04 | 3:56 pm