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Ever though about having 15-20 screens in 1 ?

I found this very interesting app. I was amazed of something like that and easy. I thought it would be Apple that would create that kind of App considering Exposé.

Click "Full Story: for details


Anyways, this application called Desktop Manager is a free virtual desktop manager that places an unobtrusive desktop pager in the menubar and allows fast switching of desktops either with hotkeys or by clicking in the pager. It is designed to be fast & lightweight. It is released under the GNU General Public License.

The Features:

- Have any number of named virtual 'screens' (up to available memory) to arrange your programs
on. Have one screen to keep your mail programs, one for web-browsing, one for work. The
possibilities are almost endless.

- Exciting switch transitions to make all your Windows/Linux using friends green with envy.

- Control switching via fully configurable 'hotkeys'.

- Get an instant overview of your desktops via a status-bar based 'pager'.

- Move windows around in desktops via a desktop-based 'pager'.

- Desktop pager compatible with CodeTek VirtualDesktop skins.

- Move windows between desktops easily via status-bar menu or Exposé-like 'Operations Menu'.

- Sticky window support - have one window on all desktops.

- Active edge support - switch desktop when the mouse moves past the edge of the screen.

- Desktop notification bezel - pops up on desktop switch to help you orient yourself.

- Current desktop name available on desktop background to help you keep track.

- Small, unobtrusive app - can be made to be totally invisible if you want. Designed to get out of
your way and act like a part of the OS.

Finally, I would like to congratulate long time Linux user Rich J Wareham who is the developer of this application. He did an excelllent job. Hope everyone supports this kind of software.

The application is available for download at: http://wsmanager.sourceforge.net/

Posted by: George Stamatis on Nov 21, 04 | 5:14 pm | Profile


this is really, really old news and a shoddy article. better luck next time guys.
Posted by: dorkus on Nov 22, 04 | 3:06 pm
agreed, but not everyone is as tech savvy as us and this is an open web log.
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Nov 22, 04 | 4:17 pm