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What New Years means to Me

The New Year means a lot to some. It may represent new beginnings, dropping old habits, creating new ones or just partying your ass off all night long. We all have our idea of January 1st and where we will be and the mindset accompanying us. As you get older, it tends to be another day but it shouldn’t be. New Years should entail, . The Cliche', out with the old, in with the new is the best way to understand my explanation. I will elaborate what New Years means to me.

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Growing up, I would stay up late to watch the ball drop in Times Square as millions of dollars in advertising was forced down my throat and preparing my wallet for spending in a new “fiscal” year. Upon reaching my teenage years, I thought about women, partying and that kiss with a lover or stranger as the clock struck twelve and wished I was at a party at that time instead of sitting in front of the television. People either stay in one of those stages as they get older or never grow out of those habits. It is said the way you spend New Years eve sets the tone for the next 12 months and I believe that. Following my father’s teachings and philosophy (for which I share beliefs as well), I have changed the approach of a new year and make it a chance to better prepare myself for the future.

Think about the past year for a moment. Don’t recollect on the surface of it all; instead look at your year emotionally, mentally, socially and finally the least important, financially.
Turn of the radio, TV and computer, sit in silence and think back on the year. Think of the parties during spring break, thrill of graduating high school, your summer job and the time you spent at the gym to really sculpt your body, the way you felt when you met that girl and the time you and she stopped talking. Think about the family member you lost, gained and how your bank account had some close calls yet somehow you made it through Christmas again without killing someone while in line at the mall. All of these things should be remembered and then spend more time thinking about how you should have handled them differently or left them how they were. Finally, keep a recollection of them for future reference but let go of the bullshit that makes you overly happy or depressed from that event. There is no need to carry that baggage into a new year.

Once you do that, you must undergo a physically cleansing. For me, we go to the beach on January 1st in 55 degree water and jump in; not thinking of the cold and wiping ourselves clean in preparation for a wonderful new year! You can create your own ritual but the main idea is balling up the excess of memories and throwing them in the trash; only retaining the core lesson from each memorable event and tucking it tightly inside of you like the Spark Notes of a book. This idea is done in many religions and beliefs. A similar idea is simplicity in zen philosophy in your home. The usefulness of something is its emptiness. The same goes for your mind and spirit. Your mind can be much more responsive and free of prejudice and doubts if you keep it clean of just that. Doing the following going to make the next year a successful one.

Finally, some things to keep in mind. After completing the previous, think of a resolution. This is not a goal to only satisfy your ego but think about things to take you to a new level as a person. Common resolutions are fitness, honesty, being thorough and finally wealth. Get creative and make one that challenges you but is also attainable. In 12 months it is good to praise yourself for completing the task set. The saying of how you spend New Years sets the tone for the year is something I believe. I doubt you will follow this but try not to get drunk on December 31st. Also, spend it with friends and family you love and try to do something you truly enjoy that evening. You don’t have to go out and get smashed and have sex to enjoy the evening. Sitting at home with someone you love or going out to a club with a close group of friends is great. Don’t leave out options to go somewhere exciting and have the time of your life for the weekend. Most importantly; enjoy yourself without the use of substances. If you have New Years day off from work or school, it would be great to do the things I spoke about earlier. You will enjoy your year much more.

Above all, I wish all readers a happy new year and a safe one as well. We want to have you back January 2nd reading and commenting on our stories.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Dec 27, 04 | 7:28 pm | Profile


Posted by: jonahan on Jan 03, 05 | 6:30 am
Awesome writing - it's stuff like this that sets your site apart. Keep it up!
Posted by: jonahan on Jan 03, 05 | 6:31 am
Thank y ou very much. With MWSf coming up we have been very busy but this will be more prevalent after mW
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jan 03, 05 | 3:38 pm