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What about a wireless voice telephone over IP ?

A little larger than a regular cellular phone, here is a wireless phone which also connects to your wireless router also and with all the networks of the same type. And more then that, audio quality is more than satisfactory.

Its name: TéliPhone

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Wireless Telephone Voice through IP

I would like to name it differently, but this phone which is manufactured in Taiwan does not currently have a name. Whatever, its company, TéliPhone of United American Corp., calls it TéliPhone, with an I for Internet.

Contrary to all the other products of Internet Telephone, this TéliPhone holds a huge advantage: it is wireless !

In wireless, it solves the major disadvantage of the Voice on IP, that is to say the physical branch to the wireless router in the recess of the house where throne the computer.

Explanations: A Voice-over-IP (VoIP), it is simply a technology which adapts your voice in signals being able to travel from network to networks, Internet. However, a TouchTone telephone to be connected in the VoIP itself connected to your router is not practical because, most of the time, it is badly located in the house.

In wireless, one can communicate everywhere inside and outside the house like with his ordinary telephone.

A router, an Internet connection

All that you need, is two things. Initially, a high flow connection (high speed) by cable modem or ADSL. Then, a wireless router. That allows to connect in network all your computers with a cable or wireless and the important number is 802.11b or WiFi.

In any computer shop, you can get for a few dollars ($50-$100) a wireless router.

As soon as you have 802.11b at the house, you hold the hardware network necessary to communicate by Internet.

Therefore, to telephone, your modem and wireless route must be lit. The communication does not pass by your computer, as it is the case with iChat/Skype. Only at the beginning the user will need a PC or Mac for the initial configuration between the téliphone and the router followed the first activation with the server on www.teliphone.ca

And the planet becomes smaller day by day

This téliphone functions very well. The Audio quality is more than what you would think " between a regular cell phone or regular land line telephone".

Make a number with ten digits (area code + xxx-xxxx), the téliphone makes three beeps, two beeps, following a short dial tone which disappears very fast and then rings on the other end. During the first second only, I perceived an echo of my voice, without more.

From all my callers that I called, I asked their opinion on the audio quality, and their answers varied between a cellular phone and a regular land line telephone. I noted that the ring level while calling someone was higher with the "téliphones" than with the fixed line.

Weak points now: The battery does not last a long time. Therefore, if you walk and talk allot from a WiFi cell to the other, think about getting a spare battery for couple of dollars.

The future will be GMS and WiFi

Some words on the future cellular. This phone will be 4-Band GSM and 3-Band WiFi, and fabricated by Motorola. The CN620 is already approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). With this cellular, users will be able to communicate by Internet wireless, with all the advantages and then pass in GSM Mode when the cellulare phone leaves a WiFi cell, and vice versa.

This is some new in the communication world which now settles down in the market, all this, thanks to the internet. This time, the latecomers will loose something very cool.

For more info:
Voice-over-IP (VoIP) wireless wifi
By: Téliphone
Price: $99 -? 12 months under contract or 229 $ without contract
Téliphone Link: http://www.teliphone.ca/
The Motorola GSM-WiFi cn620: http://www.slashphone.com/70/642.html

http://stamatgeorge.blogspot.com = My Blog

Posted by: George Stamatis on Dec 27, 04 | 10:24 pm | Profile