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Macworld Expo: Contests, Events and Coverage

January 2nd: Although there is a week left before Macworld I wanted to give all of you my schedule and our plans for next week. All of the plans invovle everyone whom is an MPG reader, writer or sponsor and is attending Macworld San Francisco...

Click "Full Story" for the details...


Our iPod Giveaway of a fourth generation 20gb iPod is going to Jonathan Perry or Syracuse. He registered last week and watching his username and IP, he has read each of our postings and checks in five times a day. He also sent in an email to be entered in the contest, which counted him twice in the odds of winning. We have 50+ participants via e-mail and over 150 people as members. Although his iPod will not arrive in time for Macworld, it will be there shortly.
The two expo passes are going to two individuals: Lennie Budgell(morgoth_bauglir) of Spymac.com wins one of the passes and Jay McDaniel(Jbook) is the winner of our second Exhibit hall pass. Each pass is worth $40 dollars USD the day of show. The winners have a choice via mail or in person of receiving their passes. I would like to thank our staff, sponsors and participants. The contest was fair and all employees were automatically disqualified due to conflict of interest in the legal sector. That forced me to pick twice the winner of the iPod. The first winner was Adam Barber, our techie.

MPG/ Spymac community events:
Our events are not set in stone but after months of planning we have narrowed it down to the following:
Sunday: My crew is arriving Sunday morning - evening. There is an open invitation at 1:30 to late evening tour San Francisco with us. I have been there before and know my way around the various districts. We will start our tour at Union Square from there head to the Financial District, ChinaTown, Fisherman's Wharf and end the day with dinner in the Castro District. Goldgen Gate tour is postponed until later on in the week and attendees will be notified of day and time.

Monday: Our tour to Apple HQ is going to be cancelled due to work related activities. Last year, while working for another publication, I gained access to the expo day before. I was able to get the scoop on Tuesday's announcements from companies exhibiting, interviews with employees of Apple and other companies and offer other exclusive photos and content. Me and Chief Columnits, Matt Jackson (no relation) are attending a meet and greet dinner that evening sponsored and ran by the Apple User Group Advisory Board and Macworld Planning. Late night activities are up in air as of now. We may just hit Quizno's on Geary and call it a night.

Tuesday: Morning, we will be meeting in front of the Apple Store on Market at 5:30AM. Those wanting a good seat for Keynote should arrive at Moscone between 2-5AM. if you just want to get in, 5-7AM is for you. Be careful, don't want to be in the overflow room. The first in line last year was a couple arriving at 2AM. From the Apple store, we will be going to Starbucks for Coffee and Biscotti. The only bakery nearby will be closed and open at 6AM. I will get doughnuts and bring them back around 7 for those in the "long line". After keynote, we have things to do but you are free to meet for lunch at the dining area inside the Metreon. There are various kinds of foods and we will be getting Chinese noodles and hot tea around 1:30-2PM. That evening, we are meeting at the Kabuki Springs (http://www.kabukisprings.com/) for a relaxing evening of massage. It is 20 dollars admission for the community baths and since Tuesday is co-ed day, clothing is required even if just a bathing suit. They have great shiatsu, acupuncture, and other treatments to relieve a stressful day. Directions are available on theie website. We will be there at 7PM.

Wednesday: We meet at 7AM for breakfast at Max's (http://www.sfstation.com/business.php?blId=1290). Directions are on the website. They have mid range food items where breakfast will cost you about 8-12 dollars depending on your food consumption. Great food and definetly beats doughnuts & coffee. Wednesday Evening we will meet at a quaint sushi bar right by Taylor/ O'farrel (sp?). It has great sushi but is small so don't invite too many people to come with you. We meet at 8PM and could follow the evening up by a visit to the Apple store and Virgin Megastore.

Thursday: Since most have gone home by then, we continue our coverage of Macworld during the day and that night will be attending hot spots like the "Redwood Room" and "Make-out Room" (dont let the name fool you). The are lounges with live DJs, music and just a fun time. Both futuristic and dress appropriately, you will be staying up late as well.

Friday:Our final day, I will be leaving at 8PM on Friday so breakfast will be at 7-11 for a breakfast burrito, Lunch is going to be at the Moscone and Dinner will be Quizno's or Jack in the Box. Many are leaving that night as well so we will bid farewell if there is a demand for it but Friday is our second busiest day or the week and a fast one as well.

MPG will be covering everything at Macworld. We have a photographer taking photos throughout the week, a and are partnering with the Spymac Community and TheMacMind to bring you a Macworld Video Project. Dailies will be sent to a Spymac user at home and cut for either daily or weekly videos. They will be hosted on MPG and TMM and with video and photo visuals, you will feel like you are at MWSF.
Keynote is being covered via Cell-Phone. We have upped our celluar plan to cover the time and the entire 2-3 hour keynote will be relayed from the convention over cell phone to a correspondent at home posting live to the second updates even before those with live streaming see the news. Photos will be up shortly after keynote of Steve's Address and new products.
We will be getting first-look reviews of the major product releases at MWSF. Over 200 companies will be exhibiting and we will be interviewing and reviewing with photo companions to every story posted. There will also be daily blogs from two of our writers discussing Macworld, community events and the city to immerse you even more and hopefully show you what you are misssing by not being here.

MPG is commited to the Macintosh community for the long haul. Celebrating our One-year anniversary in a month, we will continue reporting what the others dont and getting it to you first. MPG will be your homepage all week and after as we continue MWSF coverage weeks after with in-depth reviews of new products. If you would like to be on the MWSF mailing list, send an email to or register to the site and include your e-mail.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jan 06, 05 | 10:57 am | Profile


Adam, let me know when you want to do VOIP for the interviews either during or after it's up to you.
Posted by: Neal Carter on Jan 04, 05 | 4:13 pm
I won't be doing that this time. they will be transcript or in AAC format
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jan 04, 05 | 4:42 pm
Really excited about this, it's going to be awesome.
Posted by: Ben Redmond on Jan 05, 05 | 12:16 am
Cant wait. I have counted 4 writers that will definetly be there, a team of photographers and videographers and 12 people that will attend at least one of o ur community events. going to be a great trip
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jan 05, 05 | 3:57 am