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Matt's Blog: MWSF Day 2

The plan for day 2 of our San Francisco trip was to meet our MPG support group at the Moscone center at 8:30 AM, but since Adam and me stayed up really late the night before, doing totally different things. I was walking around the slums of Downtown San Francisco trying to find my way to the hostel ( took me like 2 hours to finally get a ride with a Police Officer, while Adam was out partying.


So we didn’t get to the Moscone center until around 10:30, every one was so mad at us, John Tylko called us like 10 times, while we were snoozing ( I got top bunk ). So we finally made it up there. We jokingly asked everyone why they were so early, they gave us the death stare.

First order of business was to hit the Mac Headquarters like a hurricane, so we took a 45 minute drive up there in a friends car ( I got shotgun both ways J ). When we made it up there we were greeted a blue apple logo and the legendary Infinite Loop, which is a street name for those of you new to the Mac universe, we took a tour of the entire campus scouring for anything to take home as souvenirs, the legendary iPod poster were dangling by mere fishing strings everywhere, and I know one of those would look great in my room. However because of the risk of getting tackled by tons of overweight bodyguards of, we decided to walk away with our lives and dignity as souvenirs. We took tons of pictures of many different things on and of the Apple campus, some professional and some of just us guys fooling around.

On a more personal note I have only been in North California for 2 days now but I have fallen in love with it, ( I have been known for falling too far too fast ) , the city itself is nothing special, its big building, lots of fast food, many homeless, and an Adult Video store at every other corner. But 50 miles out, and the scenery completely changes, as far as the eye can see there is nothing but rolling hills, forest and steep cliffs, covered in vegetation. The hills resemble that of a volcanic island, I am a big nature lover I hate big cities and the serenity of nature has always appealed to me. I am a very spiritual person and am very happy to see that there is still some gorgeous land that has not been ruined by human touch. The land around San Francisco is rugged and beautiful much like the place where I originally came from ( Slovakia, a small former communist country in Eastern Europe ). I will take many pictures of the landscape so I can show those of you interested what I am talking about.

Then Adam , Mike and me headed for the Argent where some of the companies were exhibiting some of their new products before MacWorld officially opens on Tuesday. There was only a total of 9 companies but we got some good contacts and I had a lot of fun flirting with the Microsoft girl who was like 5 years older than me but did not realize I was a 15 year old High School student. After the formalities and presentations they held drawings for some cool prizes, Adam and I rigged the drawings to make sure we would win something. I got Final Cut Pro users manual and Software from Lynda.com.

After that, Adam, Mike and me went to the movies and saw Life Aquatic, which is the worst movie other than Titanic. It was incredibly boring, Adam actually fell asleep. Next we went out and explored the city a little more, San Francisco is really a fun city at night, I just couldn’t live here. We got in at 1:00 AM, Adam and Mike pulled an all night shift, knowing that we had to get up 3 hours later at 4:00 AM to get to the convention I have decided to get some shut eye, I wish you all sweet dreams and will post again when I Wake up.

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Jan 10, 05 | 9:21 pm | Profile