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Apple’s Reclamation (Sleek, Sexy & CHEAP)

Apple has been getting farther away from the PC using world since the turn of the century. They have been successful with the iPod because it is affordable, small and easy to use. Every other product they have made is pushing the limit in terms of how intimidating it can be. The PowerMac G5 is a huge box of metal sitting higher than most monitors and looks ready to launch a nuclear bomb. The Powerbook, especially the 17”, is gigantic and brushed metal takes industrial design to a new level being fashionable but setting itself aside from other notebooks. The iMac, flat panel and G5 are great looking machines but are so far away from anything on the PC market, it scares the switchers away. Pcs are all one look and the same price range. Not only are you asking a user to switch software, operating system and more; you are asking them to buy a white 3x2 foot slab with everything integrated. Mac users are accustomed to Apple’s “ahead of the trend” behavior but Pcheads have needed a reason to switch.


Enter the next generation… Beginning at MWSF04, Apple introduced the iPod mini, then iPod w/ click wheel and this January in San Francisco we saw the best attempt to change PC users over since the iMac was introduced in May of 1998; even then, the iMac did not “wow!” each potential switchers. People are purchasing smaller cell phones, PDAs and even smaller cars. The SUV market is still growing but simple is slowly coming back and once again Apple is ahead of the game. They have delivered a computer that looks like a small book and an iPod that looks like an accessory item hanging from your neck. The “Mac mini” has the same speed as an iMac released in September of 2003. The “mini” comes equipped with a 1.25Ghz processor with ram up to 1gb and 40/80gb HD offerings. Although not for gamers, this Mac is great to surf the web, type reports and if Apple included solitaire, it would be of great use because the mini will not play the latest games. Also, they kept the custom config easy by equipping with the same processor and all you choose is HD and Ram. Doing this will also save Apple overhead costs by storing a certain amount of each in inventory and making more of one and not enough of others.

This simplicity and the fact that you “BYOKBYOM”, or you supply all inputs and monitor is a great incentive to those that don’t want the added cost of inputs and I am sure 35% of those buying a mini will be purchasing items (even if non-apple) from the Apple Store in the same timeframe. On the same token users will finally be able to use their own monitor in a consumer-marketed product. A major complaint is with the iMac and eMac lines is, “what ships with it is what you get.” It is great to have more choices so you can put an old CRT up to a 23” Cinema display.

For those interested in getting the “OMG hip cool I want it!” iPod they can finally make the jump and wear it on a lanyard around their neck so bums can steal it easily and make a quick getaway. I guess I have some personal issues with the new iPod so now even 12 year olds can buy their own iPod and brag about it although you saved up for two months to get your iPod photo. The “shuffle” is pretty cool and at 120 / 240 songs, respectively, it is a great starter for those jumping on the trend and a great complimentary accessory for current iPod owners. I do not have much to say about the shuffle iPod but it will only mean more earnings for Apple and great news for stockholders. Honestly, the core Macheads are getting tired of the iPod’s success. They see an Apple logo and start a convo although they are running Windows at home. You mention iPod and they say, “Yes, Steve Jobs is a genius” or a simple talk about music and they start trying to sell you an iPod although you have owned iPods starting at the 5gb to the current top of the line. The cheaper and more noticeable iPods get, the more Mac users’ community diminishes from a status symbol to a fad.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jan 13, 05 | 12:32 pm | Profile