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From Tuesday's Dawn till Friday's Noon

MWSF is over and, as with all good things, time flew by. We all went to Macworld to celebrate our iLives and their randomness, here's what happened:

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*For me, the first day of Macworld started at 4 AM, heading to the Moscone and meeting with Adam Jackson and Matt Jackson to deliver donuts to the loyal Mac fans who were first in line to see Steve, all in the name of MPG and Apple brotherhood.

*Our beloved CEO Steve Jobs looks great.

*The Expo keeps shrinking, but the enthusiasm and atmosphere is still going strong. Something impossible to miss this year was how many of the exhibitors were offering iPod products. You can see how important the iPod has become and how many people it's luring to our platform.

*Speaking of the child star of the Apple family, on the first day of the expo walking towards Market street from the Moscone, I ran into lots of people wearing their shiny brand new iPod Shuffles. As cool as it seems, it may not be the right thing for people who like to jump from playlist to playlist (like yours truly), but still it's an awesome backup iPod or a main iPod for those less freaky about their music.

*Expanding the Mac family downward left those with money issues no excuses, Apple is finally a reality for them thanks to the sandwich sized Mini Mac. And affordability is just the beginning, this new Mini Mac represents also portability and the possibility of Macness all over the place.

*Apple did more than opening the gate to the masses this year, it also announced the new iLife '05, with lots of new features, even a brand new box.

*In more software related news, I was very excited to see the latest incarnation of my beloved ClarisWorks, now dubbed iWork 05. I can't wait for January 22nd to get my hands on this puppy.

*We also got another little taste of Tiger, still scheduled to pounce on our Macs in the first half of the year.

*As they say, every action has a reaction. The consequence of all these great new products? Apple's stock ends the week at $70.20!

Posted by: on Jan 14, 05 | 3:12 am | Profile