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Urban Hardpack From Axio

The Urban HardPack is on of the most fashionable bags I have seen to date, I really mean that, this bag is “smooth as silk”. The Urban HardPack is one of the few bags which achieves the much sought after combination of functionality and style. The HardPacks solid outer layer is sleek and shiny enough where you can see your reflection, at the same time it provides unsurpassed protection for whatever you are carrying. I mean this thing is “solid”. Its internal and external enhancements accommodate today's high tech Mac users. The HardPack has compartments with zippered pockets, a key ring clip and straps for securing personal belongings. Since the HardPack uses straps to secure your items, it accommodates most sizes of laptops, MP3 players, cell phones, PDA’s, and anything else the Mac user on the go needs to have. I would not however recommend this bag for any type of extreme sports, BMX, skateboarding, etc. Although this bag is very durable, and provides incredible protection for whatever is inside of it, the shiny front scratches very easily. Take one spill with this bag and you won’t like the way it looks. On the upside, Axio also makes quality soft front bags, for our more extreme users. The Urban HardPack is $149.95 and can only be ordered at http://www.axio-usa.com even of you are not interested in guying a bag I encourage you to visit their flash site, its really something else ( in a good way )


Posted by: Matt Jackson on Jan 20, 05 | 3:49 pm | Profile


I LOVE THIS BAG!!! Someone give me $149.95, please...I'll be your friend forever...I could also protect you, because from the looks of this bag, its also a shield.

Posted by: on Jan 20, 05 | 9:12 pm
Haha! well next time i am in SF I will personally give you the money or the bag. in exchange for showing me around town ;)
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jan 20, 05 | 9:42 pm
You have yourself a deal! Anywhere you want to explore in S.F., I can show you. (I won't go to certain parts of the mission district or the tenderloin--I value my life too much (and yours!). But I know a few people that live there that would be more than happy to give us food and lodging for free--which is the best kind!

Posted by: on Jan 20, 05 | 10:54 pm
SWEET! It's a date. Mind if I bring 15 of my closest friends and some of the MPG writers? I keed. Seriously you should stay with us for a couple of days at the hotel. We have a deal of 150 for the week where we stay and you could just stay tuesday-thursday go to macworld show us around it would be fun. Of course, that is a year away.
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jan 21, 05 | 4:15 am
yeah well totaly hook u up, and by the looks of it ill probably...

Edited for Un professional content: Adam
Posted by: Matt Jackson on Feb 07, 05 | 8:44 pm