Sony, IBM and Toshiba, who have been working on the Cell processor for three years, unveiled the chip on Monday. This chip is extremely powerful, and is being touted as "the Super Computer Chip" even though it only reaches just over three gigahertz and is significantly slower than any super computer. It is significantly faster than the P4 however, carrying out 10 tasks to intel's 2.
The Specs:
Faster than 4 GHz
256 billion calculations per second
2.5MB of on-chip memory
Able to shuttle data to and from off-chip memory at speeds up to 100 gigabytes per second,
234 million transistors
Plus the size which will possibly allow it to be used in PDAs makes it even more impressive, imagine one of those in the newest Powerbook.
Personally, seeing those specs wowed me. Imagine seeing OS X run on one of those!
Expect great things from Sony in the year 2006.