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Google GMail no Safari Support

This Aprils fools day google announced its plans for a new free email service. Gmail is an experiment in a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that you should never have to delete mail and you should always be able to find the message you want.

But there is no Safari Support at present, which is a shame


Posted by: Roland J Young on Apr 02, 04 | 3:18 pm | Profile


you know you can still click a "continue anyways" type link - they also said that they'd quickly expand it to other browsers as well. One can only assume that this implies Safari and Konqueror (yes, yes, they're essentially the same thing). Besides - who needs GMail when Spymac is giving us 1 GB AND POP support (soon to have IMAP in there too). :D
Posted by: Matt Fuller on Apr 03, 04 | 1:53 pm