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My alernative to Spring Break

Spring Break is over for many of our writers. It is time to crank of the stories, and make the site more efficient. Of course, you already know because that is a given. I bet you are wondering what we did during Spring Break. I know what I did. I went camping. Most of today’s youth goes to the beaches. They go south, east, or west and they go to the beach to drink, party, and for the first half of spring break, be totally sunburned.


I live on the beach. I wake up in the morning and there it is staring me in the face. In fact this article, the movie review and any other articles posted today were written in a lounge chair on the beach. It is not that I don’t like the beach, but during spring break it is so packed, I would rather be away from it all. Especially me. I am constantly surrounded by tech. From my computers, TV, Internet, Wi-fi waves, I get in the car, plug in my iPod and kick up the jams. So I needed a few days with less electricity. I went 40 miles inland to a national park with my tent, some protein bards and beans, oh and my walking stick and I was set. Of course there was a place to get fresh water, and I just hiked laid around, and read some books I have been meaning to read.
It was great. I met some people my age with the same idea and a goal to have fun as well. I did not come back to school with sunburn and I feel so relaxed. Of course, this meant a week of no internet for me too, so I came back with over 125 emails, net news wire, reported over 300 articles and news stories posted on all of my favorite news sites, and MPG has gone through a lot of changes. A shout box on the main page, cleaned up interface, they fixed some bugs and amazingly enough my writers still posted news and reviews. So thanks all of you for holding down the fort and our amount of hits was the same as usual. A lot of people laughed at the idea of me going on a camping trip, because “I am a geek.” but I really am not a geek, and needed the time away from tech.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Apr 11, 04 | 9:33 am | Profile


lol i wanted to go to the beach
Posted by: on Apr 11, 04 | 10:43 am
well we all do wait there it is, ooh I can see it! :)
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Apr 11, 04 | 11:30 am