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Blog: Hurricane Charlie (UPDATED)

August: 13th-15th: We are going to cover the hurricane heading north through florida for the entire weekend. It will be updated at least twice a day. Click the "Full Story" Link for our blog entries in order...


August 13th 11:20PM: Today was a wild one. Honestly, like always, I had no idea there was a tropical story or a hurricane coming to Florida. I turned on my morning NPR show and bam they were discussing it. When I got to work they were deciding what time they should close and decided on 7PM. I had some TV interview stuff for a local station today and some martial arts stuff to do. We had some rain and it was not too bad then the calm before the storm. I was still not keeping up with it and as of 5PM I finally turned on the news when i was at the gym. Turned out the hurricane started in Tampa and moved up into orlando. The funny thing is, that after this long on land it dies down but the the hurricane is going strong. It will be here by 12AM and winds are expected to be 95MPG and 115 or more gusting. It will hit the island hard. Thank goodness we just moved from right on the beach over here in the inlet as of May or we would be suffering badly. It will stay in St. Augustine(my hometown) for roughly 30 minutes then move north. outside of teh hurricane winds will be around 35 and then lessening as they get farther out. News casters predict the hurricane may stay in my town longer due to we are close to the ocean so it can draw more water to it. I will post again either after the hurricane or in the morning.

August 14th 4:06PM: I got up this morning and did my normal things. I looked out back and our yard was flooded. In our driveway, we pulled the cars up close to the house but right behind my Camry and my father's Jeep, a huge tree fell. It missed our cars by a foot. I was very amazed. On the way to the gym there was a multitude of debris and such but other than that, a calm morning. The rain picked up to a light drizzle around 2PM but other than that all is well here. Charlie curved back a bit which cause us to get about 20MPH less of winds in our area. Jacksonville and Orlando received the worst damage. I am going out tonight and having fun. We lost power once but all is well in this small town.

P.S. We appreciate all of your kind IMs, notes and emails our way. Thanks.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Aug 13, 04 | 9:12 pm | Profile