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Apple Board of Directors Looking for New CEO?

August 13th: My reliable source on the Kerry Campaign and that has close-knit ties with Apple Execs and some of its special groups has gotten insider info that in Steve's abscense, they are throwing around candidates to replace Mr. Jobs. We all know Steve leaves and Apple's stock goes down and the company may go down with it. We say that two weeks ago when news of Steve's cancer surgery hit the wire and Apple's stock opened much less than expected. On top of that, if Apple's new CEO fails to keep the company on is current track, if they do ask steve back, hey may decide not to come back and the dark ages will succumb Apple again.

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Apple's stock prices are at record highs and Apple is becoming the 'known' innovator again but the issue lies with his attitude towards products, and the input of other directors, my source says. They want someone that is currently in the company and knows the ins and outs of Apple and also is someone that is open to more input and taking more risks than Steve has. Most Mac users know that Mr. Jobs is very stubborn in some ways and needs it his way but in my opinion, I would not want him as my boss but as a CEO that is great and is exactly what Apple needed to get to where they are today.
So who is the most likely candidate? As you all know, a month ago places were changed when Jon Rubinstein moved from VP of Hardware to the iPod division and Tim Cook was moved to VP of hardware. Kind of a switcheroo which has, to my knowledge, not really changed much internally and for the iPod that I can tell. Just a little change of management. The Board of Directors are thinking Tim Cook as most likely candidate as of now. His positive attitude, knowledge of Apple and the fact that he has been doing Steve's job in his abscense has proved he is up for it. Steve will be out of office until the end of August. We dont know if they will convince Steve to step down or force him out. Of course these are just rumblings amonth the board and not official "to-do" items on their list. Either way, there will be some changes in the future if some execs have their way. As always we will keep you posted if we learn any more.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Aug 13, 04 | 9:39 pm | Profile