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Matts Blog: Prepearing For MWSF

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, this is it, the 8th of January, 2 days until Macworld San Francisco. As most of you know me and Adam Jackson will be attending this year, along with a few eager MPG fans who got a sweet deal on their airline tickets and hotel rooms trought Mypersonalgetaway.com. Macworld San Francisco is the biggest mac event of the year, every year............ coincidentially it is also my moms birthday today. I do feel a little bad about leaving on her birthday but the reservations have been made and the bags have been packed ; there is no turning back now, we are in it for the whole deal. I bought her a huge bouqet of roses to make up for it, I actually think shes happy to have me out of the house. On a more professional note, MPG will be covering the Mac Expo from day one to the last second. There will be 2 seperate tittles for articles concerning Macworld on Mypersonalgetaway.com, Matts Blog and Adams Blog, that is pretty self-explenatory, but i can guarantee that Matts Blog will be tons better ........... :) Just kidding, well its 8:00 pm here in beautiful St. Augustine Florida and Adam will be here shortly, I will post again when we touch down in San Francisco, Hopefully ill see some of you there and as for the rest of you, I hope you make it next year and stay safe. >..<


Posted by: Matt Jackson on Jan 08, 05 | 6:06 pm | Profile