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Sunday Community Events

Clarification on Sunday's MWSF events. I had some people confused of our plans and I wanted to reiterate. I may do this daily.

Myself and colleagues arrive Sunday around noon. We will all meet at 1:30-1:45PM in Union Square (downtown). Union Square is 2 blocks north of the Apple Store on Market. Or just find Macy's and it is the next block north from the large Macy's. Anyway, there is a large tower in the center of Union Square. We will meet there and decide on lunch and from there tour downtown including, Union, Market, Chinatown, Fisherman's Wharf, SOMA and dinner on Castro.

We will be getting back to hotels around 10PM. Have a great day and we will post pics later that evening.


Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jan 08, 05 | 9:24 pm | Profile