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Matt's Blog: MWSF Day 1

As many of you know the Macworld Expo doesn’t officially begin until Tuesday, however Adam and me decided to come two days early to explore the wonderful city of Saint Francsco and find out what it is all about. It’s an awesome change from Florida. Florida and California are polar opposites, while Florida is a flat, thrilless wasteland devoid of life and exitement, California is a rugged and beautiful land, and everywhere you look there is something to get your adrenaline pumping. Adam and me got in to San Francisco at 9:00 AM this morning, after getting our luggage we preceded to our dwelling place; we share our room with four other strangers at a local hostel home.


After settling down, we hunted down John Tilcko from The Different District who is here with his mother, and a few other friends who then joined us on a tour of San Francisco. First stop of course was the Apple store; afterwards we ate at a local Chinese restaurant. Next we visited the location of the Mac World Expo and Conference, and even though we were a part of the media, well, especially because we were a part of the media, we were hardly allowed in the front door. However, we will be the first ones in tomorrow morning and we will keep you posted both with articles and a photo gallery. We finished the day off by eating at another Chinese restaurant, that is when I decided to call it a night, since I have had no sleep in almost 48 hours. Adam and the rest of the crew decided to hit the town and have some fun.

This is where things turn interesting for me, by accident I get dropped off at the wrong hostel, and by the time I realize it my ride is long gone. Now this was bad, I was in a brand new city wandering around trying to guess my way to the hostel. Within and hour I was completely lost and the homeless of the city were staring me down like I was a potential prey or some bizarre unwanted visitor. I started getting more and more suspicious of every one and before I realized it I was becoming more and more hostile towards the people around me and there was no sense in taking chances and potentially getting hurt or hurting some one else in self defense, I was in a pretty bad neighborhood by this point. So I walked into a Police station where I was greeted by an incredibly beautiful, black haired, police officer named Kelly. She was very kind and found the address of my hostel and ended up giving me a ride there, we talked for a little bit and went our separate ways. I am pretty satisfied with the way I handled this situation. But thats not the point, never ry to find your own way around a new city alone and especialy at night, it is 11:30 PM and my superior Adam Jackson still has no knowledge of this. By the way, we took tons of pictures today and will be posting again tomorrow.

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Jan 10, 05 | 11:35 am | Profile


Hey...sorry I dropped you off at the wrong place. But, I still think it was the right hostel and that you did one big circle and ended up at the same place two hours later!

But at least you got to meet a beautiful "California Girl." Told ya they are great!
Posted by: Mike Livsey on Jan 11, 05 | 1:55 am
haah yea a cop!
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jan 11, 05 | 2:32 am