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Adam's Blog: Day 1

As I write this first entry of MPG’s MWSF trip, I am on an airplane over Oklahoma. The entry I will update and post Monday morning. I have some updates to provide in regards to our trip and would, first, like to thank you all for stopping by for MWSF updates.


Some added gasoline to the rumor fire, it seems some pictures arose from a UK based website showing a box for Apple’s “headless Mac” or iHome. According to the pictures, iHome is a digital media center set to integrate with your Macintosh and its digital hub of applications as well as a PVR to record your favorite TV shows. The picture looked of similar quality to the pictures taken of the iMacG5 back in August, which turned out to be an LG monitor. The same setting and quality of pics were shown in this iHome picture. It is interesting but we have judged the pictures to be a hoax.
This time around flights were on time. I had a problem last year flying to SF when we waiting in the terminal for 2 hours because someone checked in and decided not to fly yet they had to get their bags off the underside of our jet. That took a while and the flight ended up being seven and a half hours not including an hour from Jacksonville to ATL and a 2 hour layover. The schedule this time was nice. Myself and Matt Jackson have been up since 7AM and after our martial arts class we went home and finished unfinished packing and organizing then met at 12:30 to get breakfast at Steak n’ Shake. From there we traveled to a club where my friend works as a DJ. I decided not to do the park and ride since it was 7 – 12 dollars a day and that money could be better spent on other things. So he got off work at 3:30 and parked my car at his place (only 10 minutes from the airport). Eric gave us a ride and promised to pick us up at 8AM next Saturday.
Me and Matt arrived at Atlanta at 7AM with a 2 hour layover until 9AM. We were cleared immediately and spent the layover testing our iTalk / iPod, handheld radios and other tech gear to make sure we were in peak condition. We arrive in San Francisco at 11AM and yes that is a 2 hour flight, right? Nope, there is a three hour time difference so in actuality the flight is just over 5 hours. San Francisco airport is very cool. You arrive and the runway is extremely small in terms of width it looks like you are landing on the ocean. I was surprised last year to walk out of SFO Airport and see mountains and hills. It just blew me away but sadly this year it is about 15 degrees colder and rainy. The rain is predicted to continue through Thursday which will make my walks to Moscone just peachy. Good thing I bought some special winter clothes. When I left St. Augustine, it was 74 degrees with no sign of showers and San Fran will be 40 degrees. What a shock. Matt wore t-shirt and shorts out of all logical thought process of course. He has changed to pants since arriving into ATL where it was 49 degrees.
I have yet to go to sleep and will try to catch a few hours after this entry is over. I woke up at 7AM on Saturday and it is Sunday at 11AM EST and I am still up. One redbull, two coffees, one double shot expresso and a sobe energy drink and I am kicking! I am about to crash which will help me stay awake tonight when we tour the city. I will check back in tomorrow (Monday).

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jan 10, 05 | 1:51 pm | Profile