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AirPlay FM Transmitter from XtremeMac

The AirPlay FM transmitter for the iPod and iPod mini is one Xtreme piece of hardware. It is a member of a small family of FM transmitters that works in all frequencies. There is no software to install and no cables to hassle with, you simply plug it in, tune it, and enjoy your iPod on any free FM frequency. The AirPlay feeds of the iPods battery so you never have to plug it into anything, charge it, or feed it expensive batteries. The AirPlay will wirelessly play your music trough any FM radio and is perfect for use in cars. The AirPlay has an easy to read screen which lights up in bright blue. The screen turns off after you are done tuning to conserve the iPods power, and the two tuning buttons easily change the frequency. It is about half the size of a fortune cookie. The folks at XtremeMac.com claim that the AirPlay is smaller, simpler, and better than any FM transmitter on the market, and there is no arguing that fact. The AirPlay even shuts off when the iPod is not playing. The AirPlay is compatible with the 3G iPod, Click Wheel iPod, iPod Photo, iPod Mini and U2 iPod and I can honestly say that this is the best top mountable FM transmitter available. The AirPlay goes for $39.95 and can be ordered at http://www.xtrememac.com


Posted by: Matt Jackson on Jan 17, 05 | 2:01 pm | Profile


Edited by Moderator
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jan 17, 05 | 3:35 pm