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Macmice's The Mouse BT

For years now, Macmice, Inc. has been creating phenomenal products and true to their name, they have kept the “mice” in Macmice. There is a variety of mice all with the same form factor and usability features. Released in September, The Mouse BT, is the newest addition able to connect to Bluetooth enabled Macintosh and PC computers. Other “The Mouse” models used USB and were the same three button style as the new mouse. BT, standing for Bluetooth, makes the mouse usable up to 125 feet (theoretically) and takes away the cord from the mouse, which is one of the main reasons this historical peripheral was called a mouse from the start. Either way, Bluetooth has taken off at an amazing rate since Apple decided to adopt the technology into its OS in OS 10.1.5.


If you have seen or used the USB Mouse from Macmice, The Moue BT only has a few minor changes. For one, the mouse is a bit heavier and this is due to an addition of 2 AA batteries required to power the mouse. The batteries add a bit of weight to the back of the mouse that has received complaints from some users having an “uneven weight in the mouse”. No issues involved with productivity have been seen; this is just a peeve of some users. A new feature of this mouse is a lit third button (scroll wheel) that lights red as you move your mouse along any surface, except glass of course due to the reflective nature of a laser in order to pinpoint movement.

The Mouse’s buttons are integrated into the body which makes for a seamless use of it during daily tasks. The Bluetooth connection is easy to setup. Install the batteries, launch the OS 10 Bluetooth device manager and once connected to your computer you never have to reconnect The Mouse. The battery life is unknown at this point, but most mice last 3-6 weeks on a set of batteries if used 8 hours a day and never turned off. Of course how you use the mouse and how often attributes to final battery life.

The Mouse BT from Macmice may not be the best Bluetooth Mouse on the market, it is at the top. A few peeves like weight, and bulky size are, like I said, peeves and vary from user to user. Try one out yourself or just use an Apple Mouse that comes with all Apple desktops( except the Mac mini) and then add three buttons and that is how The Mouse feels.

The Mouse BT

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jan 17, 05 | 4:13 pm | Profile