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Ashamed To Be American

America has certainly had a long history filled with tragedies, accomplishments, and power. From the very beginning of our history it seems like we have been hypocrites. We drove out the British, because of there unfair treatment of us, and then we drove out the indigenous people, repeatedly breaking treaties and cheating them out of land, because they got in the way.


Today, this is still happening. Political figures are using there influence to pressure businesses and individuals. Desperate to continue to look untarnished they dirty their hands and then hide them behind their backs. We involve ourselves in other countries internal affairs to make them resemble our type of government. We get greedy and egotistical.

There are so many things right about our country and about our form of government, but there are so many things wrong, too. Many of which are simply a part of human nature, something that we cannot stop. I realize I don't speak for everyone, but it seems like American's are so confident that and in many instances blindly patriotic, that they are prepared to control other people to think and act the way they do.

Flag burning isn't patriotic, and to many people, it's offensive, so let's make it illegal. Alcohol is dangerous, let's put a lot of restrictions on it, or just outlaw it all together. Animals aren't as intelligent as us, so let's mistreat them, brutally kill them, and eat them everyday. Lets cater to our immediate needs and start drilling for oil everywhere we can and neglect the environment...

These problems are certainly not limited to solely America, but for a world power, like we claim to be, one would hope that we could set an example for the rest of the nations. Spreading tolerance, harmony, and truthfulness.


Posted by: Joshua Brown on Apr 11, 04 | 5:23 pm | Profile


good article josh.
Posted by: Adam Jackson on Apr 12, 04 | 6:13 am
thanks adam. I'll try not to make all my articles so.. negative. lol. focus on some good occasionally ;)
Posted by: Joshua Brown on Apr 12, 04 | 3:08 pm