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Copyright MPG 2004

Use a Sega Dreamcast on Broadband (With a bit of help from a Mac!)

I bought a used Sega Dreamcast at my local EBGames recently. One awesome thing about the Dreamcast, it was the first console system with online capabilities. However, if you have DSL (like I do) and you don't have a Dreamcast Broadband Adaptor (and trust me, you will never find one), you're a bit out of luck... or are you? [UPDATE INSIDE]
Posted by: on Aug 09, 04 | 7:38 pm | Profile

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After a long hiatus, I've returned!

Basically, things have been incredibly slow around This Old Mac, as several months ago I sold my old PowerMac 9600, and my Quadra 605 with Linux project died after several failed attempts. Today, however, I recieved an old PowerBook 5300cs. This is an INCREDIBLY older PowerBook, it has a 10.4" Dual Scan monitor (ie, very bad), a 750 Megabyte hard drive, eight megs of RAM, and a 100Mhz processor. Frankly, I'm fairly stumped with what I should do with it right now. If anybody has any ideas, let me know!
Posted by: on Jul 28, 04 | 10:40 pm | Profile

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Got a fast Mac and a slow printer?

If you're like me, you might still have an older LaserWriter or StyleWriter laying around, and might have problems using them on newer Macs.
Posted by: on Mar 03, 04 | 7:58 pm | Profile

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MPG Welcomes John Regan

image We say hello to John Regan...
Posted by: on Mar 03, 04 | 8:35 am | Profile

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