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Looking Back on Today

This title does means a lot to me. It is the title of a song by The Ataris and has many points or symbolism that relates to something that has taken up thousands of hours of my life. School. I have attended school since kindergarten. Kindergarten through 12th grade is 13 years and oh what a time it has been. Looking back on that time, though, I say to myself, “I wasted it and wish I could do it over”. Even when I was younger and did not have fun, when I look back on the things I did, I had a blast and will never get that back. Of course, it did not hit me that school would end until it was too late. It was not until I had 2 more weeks of school left before I noticed how much of it I wasted. To reiterate wasted, I did not waste it in a sense of wasting time, but I did not reach my full potential and succeed to the level I could have.


There is still college, and that is school, but your 1st through 12th grades are different. You are with one group of people all the way through it, for most of that time you have sporting events, clubs, and you see the same teachers each year. Also, there is a closer sense of community. When there are only 1500 students in one school and you class is of 450, then you get to know people more. It varies a lot from college. You spend your entire school time thinking about the end of the day and each day thinking about when that school year will end, but when it is over, you don’t want to accept the responsibilities of what is before you. Let me rephrase, I do want to start college, work full-time, and make money to support myself, but it would be nice to have one more year of high school. The advantages don’t justify failing senior year but it would be great to come back one more year.
Senior year was the best. It is like kindergarten all over again, but without the rules. I know that does not make sense, but bear with me. As a senior, we have abbreviated schedules; we have more slack when it comes to tardies, absences, and other small infractions of conduct. We cannot come to school, and we don’t get asked where we were. A teacher told me, 20% of the senior class is absent each day but unless you skip each day, they don’t really care. In fact, last Monday I just left school with some friends and got some pizzas downtown, then came back an hour later ate the pizza in fifth period and not one word was asked how we got the pizza or if we left school. Of course if you did that even in junior year, you would have a suspension for sure. So things have been a little more relaxed
I have to tell all of you though, if you are still in grade school, don’t waste it. “Live each day like it will be your last”, like I always say. That is my senior quote and I totally agree, although I don’t live by it. You have to, because you will look up and notice you have wasted time on things that are useless and you could have gotten better grades, spent more time with friends, participated in more school activities and regret sleeping-in some days or staying out too late on other occasions. Trust me on this one; you need to cherish your time in school, because you blink and it is over.
It seems like yesterday I was choosing classes for freshmen year, and looking through my freshmen yearbook. By the way, my class of 2004 is the charter class of my high school. We are the first class to go through all four years. The school, Pedro Menendez high school opened in 2000 so our class is very important to the school and the county. It is really special because our principal was supposed to retire last year but was allowed to stay one more year so he could retire with the charter class. It means a lot to my class members and me. Anyway, back to story; I just got my senior yearbook, my cap and gown for graduation and attended Grad Bash and Universal Studios in Orlando (https://mypersonalgetaway.com/gradbash/gradbash.html). Things are nearing a close. I really had a great time and wish it had lasted longer. But it really does hit you that you are gone.
Speaking of Grad Bash, which was the first time in a long time all of us seniors were together, we had a great bus ride, and almost all of the seniors went so it was great to say our unofficial goodbyes. After Grad Bash, we went to the senior hangout, “Village Inn” (a 24 hour diner in town), and spent time like the good ole days. We would always go to village in after football games. I finally headed home at 5AM and I stopped at the beach on the way. I parked on the beach, rolled down my car windows and cried. I know it is a bit “wimpy” some may say, but that evening hit me hard. I finally came to realize that it was over. When I thought that I had purchased my graduation gear, taken senior pictures, saw the goodbyes in my yearbook and the sign on the guidance office, “Days for seniors: 15”, I had to let it all out. The sadness, joy, relief, and regret this time in high school has given me. And now we have only 4 days left, so it is even harder. I just find that it is a quick trip and I do have a few regrets, but I am relieved it is over. So I cried, big deal. I am sure you can understand what was happening. You can if you are leaving like I am. School is something you have done since you were five. I go to school at 7:30 AM each day and get out at 3PM. I had the same friends, same groups, same interests and now it all about to change. The longest single job I will ever hold is school. I don’t think I will work at a place for more than 13 years but yet I have stayed in school this long.
I know I keep saying this, but the reason for this article is to remind all underclassmen to stay with school. Don’t let it pass you by, or wish for it to be over. And don’t do anything stupid or even worse don’t do anything. School is the best 13 years of your life. Embrace it, love it, and hold on to it as long as you can (without failing of course). I urge you all to follow my words and listen to my feelings and try to relate with what I am saying. You will have the same feelings when you are in my place. Take care and adios to the public school system.

One more note; Dennis Sellers of Macsimum Perspective wrote a Similar Article from a Dad's perspective of a graduating son. I wrote him a letter and was feature in the Letter To The Editor.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on May 07, 04 | 1:20 pm | Profile
