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Apple and Home Electronics

With the release of iPod, iTunes, and the Airport Express w/ AirTunes it seems like Apple is slowly entering the market where Phillips and Sony dominate; that’s right, home electronics. Sony and Phillips make DVD players, CD players, headphones, stereos, and other devices that converge people with digital content. Apple is pulling their usual strategy and just stepping in the water but not jumping in, but you can tell they are trying to steal market share from these larger companies slowly with their Digital Hub strategy.

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iPod was the beginning of this and now that you can stream music from your computer to your stereo owning a Mac w/ Airport is so worth it. I actually have rigged a setup so I can that without the AirTunes. I purchased a Y Cable and a 30 foot male to male cable and it plugs into my iBook’s headphones jack. One cable goes into my small satellite speakers on my desk and the other goes across the house to my 7.1 surround speaker system in the living room. This is far from wireless but it works. Of course with the announcement of Airport Express I purchased one and will purchase another soon. You can’t beat the price. A small sidenote; this means that Apple may be releasing a kick-ass new Airport Base Station soon with all of these cool features. That’s how it is though.
Since Apple is just sticking with music for now let’s throw some ideas around that only Apple can do. I wan Bluetooth headphones that actually sound good. When I went out to wash my car, I had to disconnect my iPod, find my song, and connect headphones. It took a few minutes, and wouldn’t it be nice if I could start playing music and stream it outside to my headphones. If Bluetooth does not have enough bandwidth then how bout make an AirPort Express size block that goes in your pocket to stream the music to then into your headphones. I am sure someone could create a battery pack for it and use the jack but Apple would do a much better job of this.
Next is a PVR/ DVD burning combo. This supposed “Home Media Device” has been rumored for years now and maybe the AirTunes was the home media device. I think it is a band-aid for the upcoming products. But Apple could create a kickin’ PVR (Personal Video Recorder) and that cold also copy your home DVDs and of course work with all of the digital hub applications.
I know this is all a stretch but Apple could do this. With their marketing, design, and ease of use all of their products have, it would be simple and even if Mac users bought them, they would sell very well.

Tell me what you think.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jun 11, 04 | 2:47 pm | Profile
