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Ronald Reagan's World Tour

Our 40th President Ronald Reagan passed away on Sunday, June the 6th; yet his burial service was at sunset on the 11th. What took so long? I am not the only person saying this; at my work, we have Fox News playing all day and of course Reagan coverage was all day every day starting Monday. I can’t count how many customers came up to me talking about this “Reagan World Tour” and thought it is wrong to keep him and his family making public appearances for days after his death.


There was a Washington Post article with pictures and commentary of the public viewing at Regan’s presidential library and in Washington; the article spoke about people wearing flip flops and t-shirts some shirts with derogatory statements that are not fit for a funeral. Well, I also heard that some people were waiting in line for 4-8 hours to see the flag covered casket and those waiting said it was uncomfortable to wear a suit all day. I sympathize with those and understand the t-shirt and shorts being more comfortable but the shirts with bad language or messages like “No more Bushit” should not have worn those items to the public memorial w/ the casket. If they did not want people to wear those kind of clothes maybe the even should not have been so public and they should have put Regan in the ground on Tuesday or Wednesday.
I know I may be a little bitter about the entire experience but watching it every day I got the feeling news networks were constantly showing it just in case someone tried to ruin the entire event. You know, terrorists, or crazed tourists that did something to the casket or perhaps tried to hit the hearse with a bazooka and of course the news network with the best angle would have gotten it all on tape and they would really have something to talk about.
Of course I also feel that a higher power **cough** BUSH **cough** kept all eyes on Reagan, a republican as well, while Bush pushed more of his agenda or took care of some business that week. Every once in a while there would be a news blip about Iraq or other news but other than that it was Live on Reagan’s casket or family then in after-hours they would recap.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jun 16, 04 | 2:16 pm | Profile
