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Mpg Goes to Macworld Pt.2 ( Matts Reflections )

Well, here it is, Thrsday the last day of the 2004 Boston Macwolrd comvention, It is 10:22 and the doors open an 11:00. Personaly i cant wait, its that exiting last day where all the companies are trying to get rid of all their products and samples and we try to bring you out greatly appriciated readers the gread reviews you want and deserve. Adam is interviewing Beth Wickenheiser from, and the results of that will be posted later today by either myself or Adam. But this being my first macwold I have to admit it is not what i expeceted, it is alot smaller that what they had hoped, only about a fourth of the space hey rented was filed up. I heard great stories about the past Boston and San Francisco Macworlds and i guess i had a high expectations. Apple didnt even show up to this convention and they had to give Microsoft free space to get them over here. Many of the people who have gone to the past Boston Macworlds said that this time arround was emberassing and that the past Macworlds were easily 10 times in size. I was actually told that at some point in time in 1997 Apple ran out of room inside and had to set up circus tents outside in the parcing lot...


Many of the people who have gone to the past Boston Macworlds said that this time arround was emberassing and that the past Macworlds were easily 10 times in size. I was actually told that at some point in time in 1997 Apple ran out of room inside and had to set up circus tents outside in the parcing lot...Some Mac users are concerned about what this decline in the convention size and quality means for the actual company , we do cetainly hope that the decreas if Boston Macwolrd has no relation to the Apple company and their products. I talked to a Forever Mac user who attended all the past Boston Macworlds and he was very dissapointed , he said this was a "one day show" and we talked about all the past Macworlds he has been to. He told me that he also had high expectations , bacause some of the previous Boston Macworlds took three days just to walk around and see all the booths. I talked to him on wednesday and it seems he will not be coming back to day. On the upside, IDG World Expc , the people in charge of Macworld Boston are promising a much bigger show then today. So maybe Macwold at Boston can return to its former glory.

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Jul 15, 04 | 8:15 am | Profile
