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Apple: "I am not at liberty to discuss that."

July 30th: In a weekly phone call to Apple Support just to have small talk I finally got bold. Let's go back a bit. I call Apple just to tell them what I think, advice, boast my website and discuss computer specs and their ratio or repairs. Some questions they answer, some they don't. Eventually, they come right out and ask if I have a computer issue, and I just say, "well that's my time for today, talk to you guys next week." I am hoping the Apple support managers listen to my calls later and one day decide to hire me as a support guy cause I know so much.

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Well today, I called because my iPod 3g's hold switch is stuck and the online registration was not working to set up a dispatch. He asked for my serial and it was different than the one I had on their system. I have gone through four iPods in a year so I just forgot to update it, plus the last two I received were given to my by Apple so were never registered. Anyway, I said, well this is a new once cause it has the serial suffix of those iPods updated post Macworld SF '04, and blah blah blah. He said, "well you're right. I missed that; so I guess you need to add one, cause the current serial is from July 03."
Anyway our convo continued, he registered the iPod for me and I asked if the info would be updated immediately so I could set up a dispatch online? He said, well give it a few hours, it is all electronic now. I said, "oh yeah you guys are running the PeopleSoft support database now; what do you think about it?" The phone was quiet for a moment and he said, "I am not at liberty to discuss that." I said, "ok well then i need my case number for the iPod registration and the dispatch number to get my Powerbook lid fixed." He just started laughing and said, you know too much about this stuff and should be teaching me I guess." I Just laughed and said, "well that is why I could never work for Apple. I tell too many secrets and would end up getting a lawsuit slapped on me by Apple for breaking the NDA (Non Disclosure Agrement)." He agreed, and we settled our reports and got it finalized. He added the new serial may not go in the database cause there may be a manaul aspect of the information that someone has to enter and it is late Friday afternoon. I said what time is it there, he told me and I said, "wait you are not in Austin or the south California call center?" He said that he was in Austin, TX that i Just got my time zones mixed up. I added, well how is the new plant in South California working for you guys; you know back in April you closed down one and opened another a little south of that? He just changed the subject but still laughed.
Talked about the new 4g iPods for a moment and he said, "are there any other tidbits of info or issues to take care of?" I said, "no, that's about it." We said goodbyes and it was an hour and 15 minutes later since i started talking to him, that all of is was taken care of. That is the third longest call to Apple ever! It was great and he was a good guy saying, right on, or awesome, or sweet. He was in the call center of Austin, TX so it kind of through me off.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Jul 30, 04 | 4:00 pm | Profile
