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Too Much Time Pleasing The Senses

The world is becoming more and more populated. Also, we have information at our fingertips, with cell phones, books, the Internet, and various other mediums.


News travels in seconds, and our loved ones are always a phone call away. Yet, we are becoming more and more ignorant. Why is it, that when we have more information than ever, more men are killing men, and more people are dying from smoking or substance abuse. There are more teen suicides and most of all, very few get along. What are we doing wrong?
Getting rid of technology is not the answer, nor is getting rid of entertainment. The key to brining everyone to a higher level is less of everything. We have too much work, too many kids, too much entertainment, our cars are too big and our fries are too super sized. We need to downsize a bit. If everyone took in 50% less food, used less gas, did less work, and had less entertainment, we would function a lot better. It sounds odd right? Many say, “if I could just not work and stay no vacation, well that would not be enough. Then they would need to live on paradise, then they would have to get a hobby, then they would need women, or more money, or then they would start eating, then drugs, it is a constant cycle. If we step back and take a look at our lives, what do we strive for? We strive to please our senses. Whether it is sex, power, money, attention, and acceptance. Whatever it is that we do in this lifetime is not to help mankind or leave the world a better place it is to gain something and please ourselves. Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices. You are having a kid, so you have to work more hours to pay payments on that mini-van, but is that really a sacrifice? A true sacrifice would be choosing to not have a kid at all, and learning more about yourself and saving up to pay for a mini-van without having to work more hours.
Do you see the horrible cycle? We sacrifice one pleasure or indulgence for another. It may not seem that way, but in the long run, you see that your inner plan will eventually get you more success or overall, power in the future. What do we do our entire lives? Go to school to learn a profession. Then we spend our entire lives, going to work each day, and hopefully making enough money to have a bigger SUV than the neighbors’, or a large TV so we can watch football every weekend, and eventually have a kid so you can watch them grow up and play soccer and whatever kids do( plays, honor roll, swim team, etc.) just so you can look at the person next to you and say, “that’s my kid”. Then after all of that, you put back a little each paycheck so when you retire, you can live well enough until you die.
When you are on your deathbed, you may think, “I lived a good life, I had a loving spouse, good(secure) job, steady income, and I even have money to leave to my grandkids when I die. Or you may be honest with yourself and notice that your entire life was to work hard enough to indulge the senses.
If you are a kid reading this, do not plan your entire life when you are 14. Things change, and if you know what you are going to do, then you need to don’t do that, and let things come to you. Plan for the future but you will not stick with it, and something in your life will change everything. Even though you are not an adult yet, here is a good example of what you will do as an adult but on a smaller level. You could go out and buy a new video game or a new outfit (depending on your gender), but instead you save up all week to buy your boy/girl friend a gift. Honestly, why did you buy that gift? Is it because you love them? Honestly? Ok, so you want them to be happy; well that is good, but honestly you want something out of the relationship. Just like your job. You will sacrifice one entertainment to work a few extra hours, just so you can make a couple extra bucks so you can do what? Go out and have fun that weekend. This is a never-ending cycle that you will get caught up in. My suggestion is to take things one day at a time, and do not forget who you are and why you are here.
I am not saying, do not save money, or have a little fun; that would be stupid. What I am saying is, do not live to be entertained. If you do, then you will keep doing the next best thing, and your entire life will be seeking entertainment. Since I am a kid, it is difficult to put into text how I feel about the world today, but I hope you got a grasp of this concept and absorb this into your life.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Mar 05, 04 | 6:35 am | Profile
