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One Big Family

In the past month we have survived 2 hurricanes Charlie and Frances , before each hurricane I noticed something amazing about the way people were acting.

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In the face of peril every one started helping each other and acting like one big family. Personaly I have always thought that the people of earth are indeed one big family and the way our world is heading right now can only lead to chaos and destruction. Most of the time every one is running around doing their own thing, satisfying their own selfish needs and desires. I personally think that there is never a reason to go to war or even attack another human being. If we look at every war in the history of mankind and trace it back to the source we would realize that every war that has ever been foght was based on ignorance, greed, or pride. Conflicts from the biggest world wars to the smallest fights between kids result when one side of the conflict thinks its better then the other or wants some kind of material gain, which goes back to ignorance and greed. It is sad in a way that it takes a hurricane to make people realize that they need each other and start working together. It was really amazing to see how people at my school, my beighbrhood, and even at the gym all came together in a time of cricis. I am just wondering when people will realize that we really are one big family and stop killing each other, and hope that it is before we destroy our planet and each other.

Sincerely Matt Jackson, encouriging you to make love, not war since 1989.

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Sep 06, 04 | 3:23 pm | Profile
