Archives: November 2004

Tue Nov 23, 2004

A Two-Week Absence

Our proud owner, Adam Jackson has taken a 2-week electronic absence, he will not use his computer, iPod, or TV for the following two weeks. This means he wont be posting any articles, responding to emails or anything else apple related. I will be taking over all of his duties here on MPG for the next two weeks. So bear with us and look forward to a fun 2 weeks here at ............ >..<

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Nov 23, 04 | 8:54 pm | Profile

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iPod Case Follow-up Review…

The following are cases that could not make it in the Super Case Review 4 for various reasons like late arrival to our reviewer or released after our review was posted. Enjoy!

Click “Full Story” for the review

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Nov 23, 04 | 2:57 am | Profile

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Sun Nov 21, 2004

Tom Bihn : Portable Culture

Tom Bihn is a “retro” computer company. They are dedicated to making durable products for the mac user on the go and have engineered a bag they claim to be the ultimate backpack. Click Full Story to find out if that's the case. More...

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Nov 21, 04 | 7:29 pm | Profile

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MPG's UK Apple Store Opening

Our UK correspondent and unofficial photographer of Apple related events, such as the upcoming Macworld San Francisco, Kalpana Mavjee has uploaded a collection of Apple Store pictures from the Apple Store opening on London's Regent St.

Click Here for photos!

Thanks Ms. Mavjee

Posted by: on Nov 21, 04 | 6:13 pm | Profile

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Ever though about having 15-20 screens in 1 ?

I found this very interesting app. I was amazed of something like that and easy. I thought it would be Apple that would create that kind of App considering Exposé.

Click "Full Story: for details More...

Posted by: George Stamatis on Nov 21, 04 | 5:14 pm | Profile

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Thu Nov 18, 2004

Book mini-review

Every once in a great while MPG tries to do a book review on new books, but the schedule often does not permit. Although it is not consistent, I do have twonew books worth purchasing. More...

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Nov 18, 04 | 3:23 am | Profile

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Macsimum News: Alternative to MacMinute

November 18th: The creation of mac advocate and mastermind, Dennis Sellers; Macsimum News reports the Mac news and the more obscure in a better design and with movie and product reviews as well. Mr. Sellers may work for both of the news sites, but Macsimum is a great alternative for you to switch up and you won't miss a bit of news. In fact, the switch will give you news others don't report and will make you seem like the more involved Mac user at the next User Group Meeting. With almost no ads and an OS X look and feel, Macsimum News has the content and design to catch anyone's eye.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Nov 18, 04 | 3:13 am | Profile

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Mon Nov 15, 2004

User Submited Picture...

One of our members, Matt, submitted a picture taking when he was a kid visiting New York. At the time he was a casual Mac user but years later, digging through old pictures, Matt saw a picture with the famed "Think Different" ad campaign showing behind him. He has submitted an image... here.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Nov 15, 04 | 2:02 pm | Profile

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Fri Nov 12, 2004

Super iPod Case Review Part. 4

Welcome to version four of our iPod Super Case Review. Ironic that version four covers the fourth generation iPod. We are also covering the iPod Photo in this review. The fourth generation iPod is practically identical to its little brother with the addition of a color screen and photo capabilities. We used each case with a 20Gb/ 40Gb fourth gen iPod and a 40Gb iPod Photo.
Our largest review yet, with ten cases, we have spent two months finding every case for the latest iPods. Some users are holding off on purchasing proper protection since there are so many choices, but the top 11-iPod cases are shown here and we weigh features, price and functionality and award an editor’s choice for the best overall case. Each case has been used in the toughest conditions and we have even broken the Vaja case when we put the iPod Photo in it, we couldn’t get it out peacefully. We must remind you not to try to force anything to go your way in life, especially if it involves your iPod. These cases are good but there is a limit to everything.

Since your time and money clip are valuable, let’s begin!! Click ”Full Story” for the review and a special gallery. More...

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Nov 12, 04 | 12:00 pm | Profile

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Sat Nov 06, 2004

iPod Photo w/ Pictures

At then end of October, Apple released a new member of the iPod family; iPod Photo. Rumors have been swirling around an iPod with a color screen and photo capabilities ever since the iPod’s inception but the rumors finally came true when Steve Jobs took the stage with U2 and The Edge for another music related event sponsored by Apple. iPod Photo was the most amazing announcement and is the best iPod yet. Aside from the color screen and photo viewing features, it has numerous additional features, settings and all of the bugs found in third and fourth generation iPods have been squashed. More...

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Nov 06, 04 | 11:49 pm | Profile

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Apple Mac OS X v10.3.x “Panther” Security Configuration Guide

Hi Everyone,

I just got this interesting hard copy document yesterday from someone at CERT/NIPC.

It`s also available on the net at:¨

The document is basically a guide that provides operating system security and recommendations for configuring the security features. The guide provides recommended settings to secure systems using this operating system, and points out problems that could cause security concerns in systems using this operating system. This document is intended for anyone managing a locally -administered Apple Mac OS X v10.3.x system. It is assumed that anyone using this guidance will have some experience using Mac OS X, and understands the basics of the Mac OS X user interface. Some instructions within this guidance are complex, and deviation could result in serious adverse effects on the system and its security. Modification of these instructions should only be performed by experienced Mac OS X administrators, and followed by thorough testing.

Send me your feedback/comments about this document or post here.

George Stamatis

Posted by: George Stamatis on Nov 06, 04 | 1:40 pm | Profile

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Fri Nov 05, 2004, a hoax? [updated]

October 21st: I have heard reports of users of the site recieving their iPod and some saying it was a scam. If you have not seen it before, is a website run by a marketing company that also runs sites giving away free flat panel TVs, and other home electronics. They state, if you complete a promotional offer through their site, sign up for BMG music, eBay, Blockbuster and refer five friends that also complete an offer, then you recieve a regular size iPod, iPod mini or $250 on the iTunes Music Store.
This is great, but it makes me wonder how they pay for this. There is no way you and five friends (6 total) signing up for a service will pay for an iPod. Perhaps, they rely on the fact that not all five friends will get five friends to sign up, so although you will get an iPod, they might not, but at least freeiPods got a kick-back. Either way, it seems like a great deal.
MPG has signed up and gotten five friends and completed the offer. Now we just wait, but the site has been featured in many online and print news mediums and is supposedly legitimate. We will see, but for now, you can always give it a shot. As soon as you get five friends, you can then complete the promotional sign up.

Posted by: on Nov 05, 04 | 12:09 am | Profile

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Mon Nov 01, 2004

New Users's Guide To Pt. 1

In a five part series, we will be outlining and how to use its system and services. New users to the website often have issues when it comes to posting, navigation, and verifying settings. There are also a lot of features they are not tapping. The Web Operating System (WOS) is amazing and full of features that completely immerse the user. When used properly you can customize the system and make it work for you. The five part series consists of:

1. Verifying the “Options” Panel, Forum Basics, Common Rules and the main news page and its categories.
2. In depth look at "Managers" (Forum, Gallery, Notes, Friends, and Tools) and how to find more about certain users via their Avatar or Profile.
3. In depth look at "Managers" (Forum, Gallery, Notes, Friends, and Tools) and how to find more about certain users via their Avatar or Profile.
4. Navigating the Gallery, creating a member forum and gallery. Uploading pictures properly and using “Trackers” system and using the Blog.
5. Email, Wheel, Support system, and proper way to praise / make complaints about Spymac’s services.

Click Full Story for the Article More...

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Nov 01, 04 | 7:06 pm | Profile

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New Users's Guide To Pt. 2

In a five part series, we will be outlining and how to use its system and services. New users to the website have issues when it comes to posting, navigation verifying settings and features they are not tapping. The Web Operating System (WOS) is amazing and full of features that completely immerse the user. When used properly you can take control of the system and make it work for you. The five part series will consist of:

Click Full Story for the Article More...

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Nov 01, 04 | 6:08 pm | Profile

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New Users's Guide To Pt. 3

In a five part series, we will be outlining and how to use its system and services. New users to the website have issues when it comes to posting, navigation verifying settings and features they are not tapping. The Web Operating System (WOS) is amazing and full of features that completely immerse the user. When used properly you can take control of the system and make it work for you. The five part series will consist of:

Click Full Story for the Article More...

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Nov 01, 04 | 5:08 pm | Profile

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New Users's Guide To Pt. 4

In a five part series, we will be outlining and how to use its system and services. New users to the website have issues when it comes to posting, navigation verifying settings and features they are not tapping. The Web Operating System (WOS) is amazing and full of features that completely immerse the user. When used properly you can take control of the system and make it work for you. The five part series will consist of:

Click Full Story for the Article More...

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Nov 01, 04 | 4:09 pm | Profile

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New Users's Guide To Pt. 5

In a five part series, we will be outlining and how to use its system and services. New users to the website have issues when it comes to posting, navigation verifying settings and features they are not tapping. The Web Operating System (WOS) is amazing and full of features that completely immerse the user. When used properly you can take control of the system and make it work for you. The five part series will consist of:

Click Full Story for the Article More...

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Nov 01, 04 | 3:09 pm | Profile

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