Archives: December 2004

Thu Dec 30, 2004

New Technology called "FTTP"

Verizon formed by the merger of GTE and Bell Atlantic, is one of world's leading providers of high-growth communications services and the largest provider of wireline and wireless communications and now qualifying and accepting installations at for FTTP (Fiber To the Premises). Although, the service is not yet available everywhere. More...

Posted by: George Stamatis on Dec 30, 04 | 3:19 pm | Profile

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Wed Dec 29, 2004

Apple changed it's main webpage for people in need of help

Hi Everyone,

As usually at arround 10AM in the morning I surf Apple's site for new mac stuff and suddenly this:

It's the 1st time in history that Apple or other big huge computer/software comapny changes
it's main webpage at and help people in need. More...

Posted by: George Stamatis on Dec 29, 04 | 3:00 pm | Profile

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Mon Dec 27, 2004

What about a wireless voice telephone over IP ?

A little larger than a regular cellular phone, here is a wireless phone which also connects to your wireless router also and with all the networks of the same type. And more then that, audio quality is more than satisfactory.

Its name: TéliPhone

Click "Full Story" for more. More...

Posted by: George Stamatis on Dec 27, 04 | 10:24 pm | Profile

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What New Years means to Me

The New Year means a lot to some. It may represent new beginnings, dropping old habits, creating new ones or just partying your ass off all night long. We all have our idea of January 1st and where we will be and the mindset accompanying us. As you get older, it tends to be another day but it shouldn’t be. New Years should entail, . The Cliche', out with the old, in with the new is the best way to understand my explanation. I will elaborate what New Years means to me.

Click "Full Story" for more. More...

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Dec 27, 04 | 7:28 pm | Profile

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Thu Dec 23, 2004

Happy Holidays from MPG! [UPDATED]

December 24th: Thanks to all of our employees. We wiill be celebrating our one year anniversary soon and the continued support of readers has really meant a lot to myself and staff. With 2005 almost here, Macworld San Francisco plans are now full swing and our redesign looks great! We just have to work out design kinks and plug-in the code (easier said than done) and a new design should be very soon; although we will miss our deadline for Macworld release. Finally, the iPod giveaway is still open. Email to enter the contest.

I leave you with a wonderful holiday email from a dear friend in Marin County, California. I have known Ms. S for over three years and finally met in person last year at MWSF. She sent me the following:

Desiring to leave you with good tidings, but not wishing to offendanyone, I want to give you all my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, but with respect for the religious persuasion of others who choose to practice their own religion as well as those who choose not to practice a religion at all; Additionally, a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2005, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions have helped make our society great, without regard to the race, creed, color, religious, or sexual preferences of the wishees.

This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for himself or others and no responsibility for any unintended emotional stress these greetings may bring to those not caught up in the holiday spirit. In other words, Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays and have a merry Chrismakuh!
Adam Jackson

A writer, George Stamatis, has sent us his holiday wishes. Click here for George's holiday wishes.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Dec 23, 04 | 10:53 pm | Profile

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Wed Dec 15, 2004


Radtech has been making cool products for the Mac for a while now. Their amazing material used for iPod and notebook cases as well as screen protectors and Mac and PC companies have given cleaning but lately Radtech has ventured into other sectors of the computer industry. Not abandoning the Mac products like the new Podsleeve for all iPods in more colors including black and white; Radtech has become a reseller for an Australian company, STM, which makes bags and cases designed with mobile computer users in mind. The bags have unique features and a subtle design that don’t look like typical computer bags. This is good for traveling notebook users that try to hide their computers so foil thieves. Carrying a notebook case on a plane is asking for it to be stolen. Radtech is also selling a screen cleaner spray that works with almost all computer products without damaging them. What sets this cleaner apart from others is the addition of Radtech’s Optex cloth (lint-free and machine washable) allowing for better convenience over other cleaners that sell one time use cloths or those that you can’t wash after getting dirty. More...

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Dec 15, 04 | 9:07 pm | Profile

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Mac OS X 10.3.7 Released into the Wild!

December 15th: Once again, first to cover it; We noticed 10.3.7 is out in Software update via a reader email. Click "Full Story" for the complete download details.

As always, wait before installing the update. More...

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Dec 15, 04 | 3:47 pm | Profile

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Wed Dec 01, 2004

MPG Store Updated for MWSF

December 2nd: MPG's online clothing and accessories store has been updated to reflect the colder weather and themed for Macworld San Francisco for which we will be attending in January. The store has new T-shirt designs, better prices and we have removed low selling items and added more that you want to buy. Shirts range from $13 - $29 and just in time for Christmas.

Don't forget MWSF is almost here. If attending, send an email to so we can add you to our list of attendees. Be sure to include your email and, if possible, a phone number. We are planning some community events during expo you can't miss.


Posted by: MPG Staff on Dec 01, 04 | 5:16 pm | Profile

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