Archives: March 2005

Wed Mar 30, 2005

SportCase for iPod Shuffle

Marware has some great cases and the iPod shuffle case from them is one of the first shuffle cases available. rubber and covers every angle of the shuffle and you can still sync and listen to music in the case. A cool clip keeps it attached to your clothing or bag; even your shoelaces. The best thing, is the case costs 8.95 which is amazing for an iPod case. Cases are in the 20s and up and for less than 10 bucks, you can have money left over to spend on the iTunes music store. A snug fit and an array of colors make this case a great pick for shuffle owners.

Find Out More.

Posted by: MPG Staff on Mar 30, 05 | 10:39 am | Profile

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Thu Mar 24, 2005

Happy Birthday Mac OS X

March 24th: Apple's UNIX based OS celebrates its fourth birthday today. In the fall, it will enter its final year of preschool, and the previous year finally started using the bathroom alone, broke the pacifier habit and was was still the most secure OS on the block.

Users around the world have OS X parties so join in the fun and HAPPY BIRTHDAY OS 10!

Posted by: MPG Staff on Mar 24, 05 | 1:15 am | Profile

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Tue Mar 22, 2005

Apple posts details for WWDC 2005

Apple has posted details for the WWDC (Worldwide Developer Conference) 2005 to its Web site.
Click "Full story" for more information. More...

Posted by: George Stamatis on Mar 22, 05 | 9:47 pm | Profile

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Disabling Safari's cache entirely ? Good or Bad ?

Hi Everyone,

Read this post and post your comments on this topic directly on that blog.

Thank You,


Posted by: George Stamatis on Mar 22, 05 | 12:17 pm | Profile

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Wed Mar 16, 2005

AOL Eavesdrops, Grants Itself Permission To Steal Your AIM Conversations

Read this:

and post back here and tell us what you think about it.


Posted by: George Stamatis on Mar 16, 05 | 11:26 pm | Profile

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Mon Mar 07, 2005

Database is back!

March 7th: After two days of downtime I finally called my host and they notified me of database server changes. I won't have a fit publicly but I wish there was a notification as it happened but somewhere within the host company they had communication problems and it was not one single person's fault so I will leave it at "miscommunication". Either way, I just had to change the database URL in my config.php file that lies on my server (a 10 second fix) and now we have everything back to normal again. Ads are working, backend is up and I am happy! I feel like sending an iTMS gift cert. to my tech lady, Cindy for being so cheerful during our call. She was friendly and a pleasure to work with. There are some changes coming to MPG I will discuss once I know what those changes will be.

Posted by: Adam Jackson on Mar 07, 05 | 10:15 am | Profile

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