Archives: April 2005

Mon Apr 25, 2005

Marware C.E.O. Milano

At Macworld San Francisco 2005 I saw Marware exhibiting at their booth and they had a cool collection of iPod cases and neoprene notebook cases that I have come to love. Shortly after, Marware announced a line of bags for the 12”, 15” and 17” Apple notebooks and the cases were made of leather. This was not a typical leather case but well made classy bags that were not only usable but beautiful at the same time. They had plenty of sections for storage and the inner pocket can be made larger or smaller since some of us have PC notebooks and they are thicker than Apple’s offerings. Of course, Marware did not have to add this but it is great because you can put the iBook and Powerbook 12” in the same bag without any issues. More...

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Apr 25, 05 | 3:25 pm | Profile

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Apple Camera Connector

When Apple released the iPod photo in October, people raved about the color screen, and wowed its photo viewing capabilities but when word got out that you could not view / import photos onto the camera there was a different opinion from users. In fact, you could import images from Belkin’s accessories like the digital camera link but you could not view them until you synced the iPod with iPhoto then back through iTunes. Apple has now released the iPod camera connector-enabling users to import straight from their camera to the iPod and preview the photos. More...

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Apr 25, 05 | 3:17 pm | Profile

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Fri Apr 22, 2005

MicroNet Minimate complements Mac mini (UPDATE)

Micronet Technology has announced the Minimate, an external hard drive and USB/FireWire hub designed to enhance the capabilities of Apple's Mac mini. The device, which matches the form and look of the Mac mini, adds up to 400GB of storage, four USB ports, and three FireWire ports. It can be placed above or below the low-cost Mac, and is available now in the following capacities: 80GB ($149), 160GB ($179), 250GB ($249), and 400GB ($499).

It seems a forum poster back in January posted the concept idea to a macintosh community site, Macteens, and was in talks with third party groups at the time MicroNet released the product. The specs are so similar it was directly stealing but there was never a patent filed so it looks like he missed the window forum Link

Posted by: Neal Carter on Apr 22, 05 | 12:37 pm | Profile

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Mon Apr 18, 2005

Adobe to purchase Macromedia

The combination of Adobe and Macromedia will provide customers a more powerful set of solutions for creating, managing and delivering compelling content and experiences across multiple operating systems, devices and media. Together, the two companies will meet a wider set of customer needs and have a significantly greater opportunity to grow into new markets, particularly in the mobile and enterprise segments.

Posted by: Neal Carter on Apr 18, 05 | 3:38 pm | Profile

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Fri Apr 15, 2005

Matias OS X Keyboard

Matias is known for their iPod armor but they have introduced a new product dubbed, the OSX Keyboard. Of course, the keyboard bears no resemblance to Apple’s next gen OS and honestly I don’t know why they would call it that. It uses a standard USB interface so you can plug it into Mac or PC and the keyboard itself resembles a standard beige PC keyboard that you get with your Dell or Compaq. It is a full size 108 keyboard and is pretty ergonomic with two settings of incline off your desk. The keys are pretty responsive and makes for great speed typing assuming you are not custom to notebook keys then you may hit an extra key or two while typing a sentence just due to their height. Those currently using Apple’s keyboard will have no problem switching but will have to make more space on their desk since the keyboard is slightly larger than Apple’s.

Click "full story" for more More...

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Apr 15, 05 | 12:26 pm | Profile

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Thu Apr 14, 2005

Apple iSight Updater

March 14th: It seems that no one else on the Mac web noticed an isight updater with "improved audio performance". This may be just a small tweak in preperations for Tiger but either way; iSight owners should upgrade.

Download Now

Posted by: Adam Barber on Apr 14, 05 | 9:10 pm | Profile

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Tue Apr 12, 2005

Tiger Release Date!

Apple has finally released the date for Tigers release. April 29 is now the date that everyone has been waiting for. Expect some heavy traffic to Apples website in the next 17 days with everyone wanting to preorder a copy. Remember, April 29 is the date, 6:00 is the time.

Mod Edit- Here's the link directly to Tiger!!!

Posted by: on Apr 12, 05 | 10:23 am | Profile

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Sun Apr 10, 2005

More News, More Reviews

April 10th: We have some great reviews coming up like the "OSX Keyboard" from Matias and the iPod photo camera connector, Shuffle sportcase and hopefully a "first look" on Apple's next gen OS (Tiger).

There are many changes taking place behind the scenes of MPG which you will notice very soon. Thanks for visiting!

Posted by: Matt Jackson on Apr 10, 05 | 6:16 am | Profile

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Wed Apr 06, 2005

MPG's old owner featured in Radio Show

April 6th: non-mac related but our old owner Adam Jackson was featured in the last 2.5 minutes of a radio show called "Drunken Mornings" operated by our "this Old Mac" editor John Regan. Adam was the first donator of money to the show and thought it was his way of helping out. In return the show sang a "thank you" song to him at the end.

You can stream the clip live at or download the MP3 at Episode 3 is the latest.


Posted by: MPG Staff on Apr 06, 05 | 11:54 am | Profile

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Tue Apr 05, 2005

Apple Marketing beyond Product Placement

A small tidbit I noticed is the addition to the Apple logo at the end of major motion pictures in recent years. This is usually crediting Apple with the use of Shake or Logic for video compositing / audio tracks used in movies. Final Cut is mentioned less but we all know it is being used. I was used to hearing about Mcs being used in movies but while I was going through my DVD collection the other day, I was checking the ones that were rated PG so they could be safe for the entire family to watch and an Apple logo caught my eye. The text was barely readable but it said, "Soundtrack available on Apple iTunes Music Store". Before the "Apple" was the Apple logo. it was small but readable and a cool addition to the back cover of "a league of extraordinary gentlemen". Ah, Apple is bigger than most think.

Odd thing is, this movie was released in '03 and the music store was released in April of 2003 so this means Apple had a partnership with this company shortly after the music store came out. This is odd since Apple's iTunes was mac-only until October of 2003 and iTunes was breaking records but definetly not large enough for a studio to give exclusive rights of the soundtrack to Apple and their "doomed for failure" iTMS. Either way, a cool tidbit that made me think.

Posted by: MPG Staff on Apr 05, 05 | 9:00 pm | Profile

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Fri Apr 01, 2005


April 2nd: We got over two dozen emails with some derrogatory words and pure anger from readers. Only one sponsor said a, "we regret to inform the removal of our sponsorship to MPG". I got a laugh out of it and thought HAHA! funny funny.

I did not tell any of our writers either so it is funny to find out how often they even read MPG since in order they replied to the post. Some as soon as it was posted and others toward the afternoon.

Either way there were some great mac - web stories posted that were obviously rumor. Thanks for the laughs! We now return to our regularly scheduled mac news / reviews.

Click "Full Story" for the April Fools entry More...

Posted by: MPG Staff on Apr 01, 05 | 11:58 pm | Profile

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